时间:2023年6月12日 13:30-15:00
地点:bat365在线中国官网登录入口 F301会议室
邀请人:吴艳 副教授 (核科学与工程学院)
大贯敏彦(OHNUKI, Toshihiko),日本东京工业大学名誉教授。
In Fukushima Daiichi NPP reactors, groundwater microorganisms have continuously seeped into contaminated water. We have investigated the effect of siderophore-releasing microorganism (SB) on fuel debris analogues. Fuel debris analogue pellet samples (FDAPSs) and powder samples containing CeO2 (an alternative to UO2)-ZrO2 solid solution, and metallic iron were formed. FDAPSs were contacted with SB on a membrane filter placed on agar medium for 50 days. These results clarify that the presence of SB accelerates the degradation of fuel debris in which Fe metal regions are preferentially degraded, and some fractions of Fe were detached and migrated from the fuel debris analogue.