








1996.9―1999.7 哈尔滨工业大学热能工程专业 博士
1994.9―1996.7 哈尔滨工业大学热能工程专业 硕士
1990.9―1994.7 哈尔滨工业大学热能工程专业 学士


1999.8―2001.7 bat365在线中国官网登录入口动力与能源工程学院热能工程研究所  讲师
2001.8―2002.7 bat365在线中国官网登录入口动力与能源工程学院热能工程研究所 副教授
2002.8―2013.12 bat365在线中国官网登录入口热能工程研究所 副教授
2011.10-2012.10 美国犹他大学 访问学者
2013.12―至今 bat365在线中国官网登录入口热能工程研究所 教授




2013-至今 中国动力工程学会锅炉专委会委员
2011―至今 上海市机械工程学会锅炉热工专业委员会副主任委员
2015―至今 上海市工程热物理学会理事
2016―至今 清洁燃烧与烟气净化四川省重点实验室学术委员会委员



2004.1―2006.12 国家自然科学基金课题“天然气扩散火焰燃烧炭黑生成及与火焰辐射和NOx排放相互作用机理研究”(编号:50306015),项目负责人
2009.1―2011.12 国家自然科学基金课题“高温反应气氛对煤焦表面基团行为及其NO还原影响的机理研究”(编号:50876061),项目负责人
2007.12―2010.11 国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)专题课题“浓相大反吹多重分级高效低NOx燃烧技术研究”(编号:2007AA05Z305),项目负责人
2006.1―2009.12 国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)专题课题“燃用无烟煤W型火焰锅炉高效低NOx燃烧技术研究”子课题(编号:2006AA05Z321),项目负责人
2004.1―2006.12 上海市重点产业技术产学研联合攻关课题“大容量电站锅炉低NOx燃烧技术研究”(编号:沪产学研06-9),项目负责人
2007.4―2007.12 国华电力公司科技创新课题“国华公司600MW亚临界锅炉低NOX改造可行性研究”,项目负责人
2008.5―2008.12 神华集团科技创新课题“宝日希勒煤环保特性的试验研究”,项目负责人
2006.6―2007.6 上海锅炉厂有限公司科研项目“百万等级超超临界Π型锅炉炉内过程数值模拟研究”,项目负责人
2006.2―2007.1 东方日立锅炉有限公司科研项目“NR3燃烧器的消化吸收再创新的研究”,项目负责人
2008.8―2009.12 上海锅炉厂有限公司科研项目“1000MW超超临界塔式锅炉炉内过程数值模拟研究”,项目负责人
2014.1-2016.12 上海市经济信息化委引进技术的吸收与创新计划子课题“大容量超(超)临界电站锅炉再热系统热偏差及蒸汽欠温特性研究与应用“,项目负责人
2015.7―2017.12 上海市科委科技创新计划项目“电站锅炉受热面防止沾污结渣腐蚀机理研究”,项目负责人
2018.5―2021.4 科技部重点研发计划项目子课题“富氧燃烧过程燃煤硫氮污染物的释放机理研究”,子课题负责人
2019.1―2022.12 国家自然科学基金课题“煤粉高温空气分级燃烧中N2O生成及转化对NO还原影响的机理研究”(编号:51876125),项目负责人


1.Weidong Fan; Xiaofeng Wu; Hao Guo; Jiangtao Zhu; Peng Liu; Can Chen; Yong Wang. Experimental study on the impact of adding NH3 on NO production in coal combustion and the effects of char, coal ash, and additives on NH3 reducing NO under high temperature [J]. Energy, Vol.173, 2019: 109-120.
2.Xiaofeng Wu; Weidong Fan*; Yacheng Liu; Bao Bian. Numerical simulation research on the unique thermal deviation in a 1000MW tower type boiler [J]. Energy, Vol.173, 2019: 1006-1020.
3.Xiaofeng Wu; Weidong Fan*; Peng Ren; Jun Chen; Zhuang Liu; Pinghong Shen. Interaction between volatile-N and char-N and their contributions to fuel-NO during pulverized coal combustion in O2/CO2 atmosphere at high temperature [J]. Fuel, Vol.255, 2019.
4.Songlin Liu; Weidong Fan*; Pinghong Shen; Xiaofeng Wu; Jun Chen; Hao Guo. The effect of iodine additive and coal char on the heterogeneous decomposition of N2O and the generation of NO under high temperature [J]. Fuel, Vol.256, 2019.
5.Liu Yacheng; Fan Weidong*; Wu Xiaofeng; Zhang Xiang. Chlorine-Induced High-Temperature Corrosion of Boiler Steels Combusting Sha Erhu Coal Compared to Biomass [J]. Energy & Fuels, Vol.32(4), 2018: 4237-4247.
6.Fan Weidong, Liu Yacheng, Kang Wang. Detailed experimental study on the performance of Monoethanolamine, Diethanolamine, and Diethylenetriamine at absorption/regeneration conditions. Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol.125, 2016: 296-308.
7.Fan Weidong; Li Yu; Guo Qinghong; Chen Can; Wang Yong. Coal-nitrogen release and NOx evolution in the oxidant-staged combustion of coal[J]. Energy, Vol.125, 2017: 417-426.
8.Weidong Fan, Yu Li, and Meng Xiao. Effect of Preoxidation O2 Concentration on the Reduction Reaction of NO by Char at High Temperature. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research,Vol.52, No.18, 2013: 6101–6111.
9.Weidong Fan, Zhengchun Lin, etal.. Effect of Air-Staging on Anthracite Combustion and NOx Formation. Energy & Fuels,Vol.23, No.1, 2009:111-120.
10.Weidong Fan, Zhengchun Lin, etal.. Experimental Study of the Effects of CO2 on the Non-catalytic Reduction Reaction of NO by Carbonaceous Materials. Energy & Fuels,Vol.23, No.2, 2009: 2429-2436.
11.Weidong Fan, Youyi Li, etal.. PDA research on a novel pulverized coal combustion technology for a large utility boiler. Energy,Vol.35, No.5, 2010: 2141-2148.
12.Weidong Fan, Zhengchun Lin, etal.. Impact of air staging along furnace height on NOx emissions from pulverized coal combustion. Fuel Processing Technology,Vol.91, No.6, 2010: 625-634.
13.Weidong Fan, Zhengchun Lin, etal.. Effect of Temperature on NO Release during the Combustion of Coals with Different Ranks. Energy & Fuels,Vol.24, No.3, 2010: 1573-1578.
14.Weidong Fan, Zhengchun Lin, etal.. Experimental flow field characteristics of OFA for large-angle counter flow of fuel-rich jet combustion technology. Applied Energy,Vol.87, No.8, 2010: 2737-2745.
15.Junchao Wang, Weidong Fan*, etal.. The effect of air staged combustion on NOx emissions in dried lignite combustion. Energy,Vol.37, No.1, 2012.
16.Zhengchun Lin, Weidong Fan, etal.. Research of Low NOx Combustion with Large-Angle Counter Flow of a Fuel-Rich Jet and Its Particle-Dynamics Anemometer (PDA) Experiment. Energy & Fuels,Vol.23, No.2, 2009: 744-753.
17.Yu li, Weidong Fan*. The guidelines for the design and layout of oxy-fuel combustor based on the experiments of pulverized coal combusted in Ar/N2/CO2 respectively. THE 7th INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON COAL COMBUSTION ,2011
18.Yu li, Weidong Fan*.Numerical Modeling of Oxy-fuel Combustion in a Refractory-Lined Down Flame Furnace. 4th(2013) Sino-Australian symposium on advanced coal and biomass utilisation technologies, 2013
19.Yu Li, Weidong Fan*, Qinghong Guo, and Xiaowei Zhang. Numerical Modeling of Oxy-fuel Combustion in a Refractory-Lined Down Flame Furnace[J]. Energy & Fuels,Vol.28, No.1, 2014: 155–162.
20.Yu Li, Weidong Fan*. Experimental research on the NOx evolvement of pulverized coal combusted in CO2, Ar and N2 atmospheres [J]. Energy Conversion and Management,Vol.106, 2015: 457–465.
21. Yu Li, Weidong Fan*, Yong Wang, Can Chen. Characteristics of Char Gasification in Staged Oxygen-Enriched Combustion in a Down Flame Furnace [J]. Energy & Fuels,Vol.30, 2016: 1675-1684.
22. Li Yu, Fan Weidong*. Effect of char gasification on NOx formation process in the deep air-staged combustion in a 20 kW down flame furnace. Applied Energy, Vol.164, 2016: 258-267.
23. Liu Yacheng, Fan Weidong*, Kang Wang, Junchao Wang. Detailed experimental study on the performance of Monoethanolamine, Diethanolamine, and Diethylenetriamine at absorption/regeneration conditions. Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol.112, 2016: 4012-4021.
24. Liu Yacheng, Fan Weidong*, Li Yu. Numerical investigation of air-staged combustion emphasizing char gasification and gas temperature deviation in a large-scale, tangentially fired pulverized-coal boiler. Applied Energy, Vol.177, 2016: 323-334.
25. Liu Yacheng; Fan Weidong*; Zhang Xiang; Wu Xiaojiang. High-Temperature Corrosion Properties of Boiler Steels under a Simulated High-Chlorine Coal-Firing Atmosphere [J]. Energy & Fuels, Vol.31(4), 2017: 4391-4399.
26. Liu Yacheng; Fan Weidong*; Wu MingZhou. Experimental and numerical studies on the gas velocity deviation in a 600 MWe tangentially fired boiler [J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol.110, 2017: 553-563.
27. Liu, Yacheng; Fan Weidong; Zhang Xiang; Wu Naixing. Analysis on High Temperature Corrosion Behaviors of Boiler Steels under High-Chlorine Coal Ash. ASME Power Conference 2017, JUN 26-30, 2017. PROCEEDINGS OF THE ASME POWER CONFERENCE JOINT WITH ICOPE-17, 2017, VOL 1.
28. Xie Jianwen; Fan Weidong; Zhang Jianwen. Study of Gas Temperature Characteristics at the Bottom of the Platen Heaters of Boiler Employing Shenhua Bituminous Coal Based on Two-Level Air Staging Combustion System. ASME Power Conference 2017, JUN 26-30, 2017. PROCEEDINGS OF THE ASME POWER CONFERENCE JOINT WITH ICOPE-17, 2017, VOL 1.
29. Yacheng Liu; Weidong Fan; Xiaofeng Wu; Pinghong Shen; Xiang Zhang. Chlorine-induced high temperature corrosion on boiler steels combusting Sha Erhu coal compared with bio-fuel. 6th Sino-Australian Symposium on Advanced Coal and Biomass Utilisation Technologies, 2017.
30.李宇,范卫东.神华煤粉在CO2和N2高温气氛下SOx生成释放规律的研究. 锅炉技术,2012,43(4):75-80.
31.王俊超,范卫东,李宇,肖萌.钙基吸收剂循环吸收CO2特性的研究进展. 锅炉技术,2012,43(2):75-80.
32.任鹏,范卫东,李宇,王康. 温度对燃煤挥发分和焦炭NO生成及相互关系的影响研究[J]. 锅炉技术, 2013, 44(2): 74–80.
33.王康,范卫东,王俊超,李宇. 填料塔中单乙醇胺吸收C02的脱除率研究[J]. 锅炉技术, 2013, 44(3): 72–75.
34.谢建文,范卫东,那尔苏,董琨,李英. 宝日希勒提质褐煤NOx排放特性试验研究[J]. 中国电力, 2012, 45(12): 99–102.
35.肖韡,李宇,肖萌,王俊超,范卫东. 高温下氧气氛对煤焦还原NO影响机理研究. 锅炉技术,2011,42(5).
36.旷金国,林正春,范卫东. 空气分级燃烧中灰含量对烟煤的NOx排放特性的影响研究. 燃烧科学与技术,2011,17(1).
37.李宇,范卫东,蒋信,冯哲. 一种新型氧-燃料旋流燃烧器的开发研究. 中国动力工程学会锅炉专委会2013年度学术年会.
38.范卫东 李宇 郭青宏 张笑慰. 氧分级燃烧技术在切向燃烧锅炉上的应用研究. 中国动力工程学会锅炉专委会2013年度学术年会.
39.郭青宏,范卫东,李宇,冯哲,蒋信. 多功能热态下行燃烧炉低NOX燃烧数值模拟[J]. 锅炉技术, 2014, 45(6): 53–59.
40.张笑慰,范卫东,李宇,郭青宏. 天然气燃烧NOx排放特性实验研究及数值模拟 [J]. 锅炉技术, 2015, 46(1): 70–74.


发明专利授权号:ZL 200710042886.6,第一发明人
发明专利授权号:ZL 200810032736.1,第一发明人
发明专利授权号:ZL 2016 1 0608058.3,第一发明人

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