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2009.09-2015.06 bat365在线中国官网登录入口,动力工程及工程热物理,硕博连读 (导师: 郑平 院士)
2013.07-2013.10 瑞士洛桑联邦理工学院(EPFL), (导师: Prof. J.R. Thome)
2005.09-2009.06 华中科技大学,热能与动力工程,学士
2020.01至今 副教授,bat365在线中国官网登录入口
2017.11-2019.11 博士后,麻省理工学院(MIT)机械工程系 (Supervisor: Prof. Evelyn N. Wang, Department Head )
2015.05-2017.11 博士后,bat365在线中国官网登录入口
欢迎感兴趣的同学联系 长期招收相关领域方向博士、硕士研究生。
Topic Editor,
Frontiers in Energy Research
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer;
Physics of Fluids;
International Journal of Thermal Sciences;
Journal of Heat Transfer;
International Journal of Multiphase Flow;
International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer;
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow;
Computers & Fluids;
Chemical Engineering & Processing: Process Intensification;
Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer;
Chemical Engineering Science;
Science China- Technological Sciences;
Journal of The Electrochemical Society......
本科: 工程热力学(48学时,3学分)
硕士/博士生课程: 高等传热传质学(2021-2022学年;2022-2023学年)
硕士/博士生课程: 微纳尺度汽液相变传热(2023-2024学年起),32学时,2学分
上海市浦江人才计划项目(A类) ;
Shuai Gong, Modeling of liquid-vapor phase change heat transfer: from nanoscale to macroscale, The Third Asian Conference on Thermal Sciences, June 23-27, 2024, Shanghai. Keynote speech
Shuai Gong, Modeling of liquid-vapor phase change heat transfer: from nanoscale to macroscale, Micro Flow and Interfacial Phenomena (µFIP 2024) Conference, June 20-24, 2024, Hong Kong. Invited Talk.
* 华为上研大讲堂邀请报告,汽液相变传热多尺度建模:从纳米到宏观,2023年11月27日,上海
* 2023年中国工程热物理学会多相流与新能源青年学者论坛,邀请报告,汽液相变传热多尺度建模:从纳米到宏观, 2023年7月30日-8月1日,吉林
* The International Symposium on Multiscale Simulations of Thermophysics-2023 (MSTP-2023), Recent progresses on the modelling of liquid-vapor phase change heat transfer: from nanoscale to macroscale, June 2nd -4th, 2023, Shen Zhen. Invited Talk. 热物理多尺度模拟国际会议邀请报告
* 第五届传热传质青年学术论坛邀请报告,微纳尺度汽液相变传热研究进展,2022-11,天津.
*华为上海研究所“海纳百川 ·青年学者讲座”邀请报告,微纳尺度汽液相变传热机理及其强化技术,2022-06,上海.
* 美的集团第25届科技月邀请报告,微纳尺度汽液相变传热研究进展,2020-10,广东佛山.
Zhongxiao Liu, Jia Wei, Shuai Gong*, Ping Cheng, High Fidelity Simulations of Single Bubble Nucleate Boiling Heat Transfer Considering Microscale Effects, 10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2024.126584.
Ming Jiao, Ping Cheng*, Mingguang Zheng, Li Zhang, Shuai Gong*, CHF Enhancements of Flame-Sprayed Porous Coatings on the Outer Surface of Reactor Pressure Vessel Bottom Head, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 232 (2024) 125930.
Shuai Gong*, Zhiheng Hu, Ping Cheng*, A Mesoscopic Approach for Nanoscale Evaporation Heat Transfer Characteristics, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 231 (2024) 125856.
Panpan Zhao, Shuai Gong*, Chaoyang Zhang, Siliang Chen, Ping Cheng, Roles of Wettability and Wickability on Enhanced Hydrogen Evolution Reactions, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2024, 16, 27898–27907.
Junyang Li, Chaoyang Zhang, Ping Cheng, Shuai Gong*, Three-Dimensional Pore-Scale Simulations of Dynamic Wicking Processes on Micro-Structured Wicks, Physics of Fluids, 36, 042112 (2024).
Zhiheng Hu, Shuai Gong*. Correction to “Mesoscopic Model for Disjoining Pressure Effects in Nanoscale Thin Liquid Films and Evaporating Extended Meniscuses”, Langmuir 2024, 40, 5, 2781
Zhiyuan Ma , Chaoyang Zhang , Shuai Gong , Chun Yang , P. Cheng*, Lattice Boltzmann simulation of water droplet impact and freezing on inclined supercooled surfaces with different roughnesses and wettabilities, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 233 (2024) 126051
Shikang Yin, Zhenhua Jiang, Shuai Gong, Bingyao Lin*, Deping Dong, Simulation and Experimental Study of Two-Phase Gas–Liquid Behavior in Two-Dimensional Porous Medium Based on Lattice Boltzmann Method, Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications, 2025, 17(2): 021006.
1. Shuai Gong , Zhiheng Hu, Lining Dong, and Ping Cheng*, Temperature- and Curvature-dependent surface tensions and Tolman lengths for real fluids: a mesoscopic investigation, Physics of Fluids, 35, 073315 (2023).
2. Wenhan Zheng, Fangjun Hong*, and Shuai Gong. "Improved multi-relaxation time thermal pseudo-potential lattice Boltzmann method with multi-block grid and complete unit conversion for liquid–vapor phase transition." Physics of Fluids 35, 053337, 2023.
3. Zhiheng Hu, Shuai Gong*. Mesoscopic Model for Disjoining Pressure Effects in Nanoscale Thin Liquid Films and Evaporating Extended Meniscuses, Langmuir 2023, 39, 13359–13370.
4. Panpan Zhao, Chaoyang Zhang, Shuai Gong*, Size Ranges of Effective Nucleation Cavities on Gas-evolving Surfaces, Langmuir 2023, 39, 45, 16101–16110.
5.丁圣洁, 马莎莎, 龚帅*. 考虑蒸发弯月面区域微观传热的热管径向传热系数研究[J]. 化工学报, 2023, 74(11): 4527-4534.
6. 马莎莎,丁圣洁,刘利民,赵长颖,顾汉洋,龚帅*. 高温热管碱金属工质的蒸发弯月面区域微观传热特性 [J]. bat365在线中国官网登录入口学报,DOI: 10.16183/j.cnki.jsjtu.2023.378
1. Shuai Gong*, Fangjun Hong, Qing Guo, Lenan Zhang, Ping Cheng*, Mesoscopic Approach for Nanoscale Liquid-Vapor Interfacial Statics and Dynamics, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 194, 2022, 123104.
2. Junyang Li#, Shuai Gong#, *, Lenan Zhang, Ping Cheng*, Xiaojing Ma, Fangjun Hong, Wetting States and Departure Diameters of Bubbles on Micro-/Nanostructured Surfaces, Langmuir, 2022, 38, 10, 3180–3188.
3. Panpan Zhao, Zhiheng Hu, Ping Cheng, Rongzong Huang, and Shuai Gong*,Coalescence-Induced Bubble Departure: Effects of Dynamic Contact Angles,Langmuir 2022, 38, 34, 10558–10567.
4. Ryuichi Iwata, Lenan Zhang, Zhengmao Lu, Shuai Gong, Jianyi Du, Evelyn N Wang. How Coalescing Bubbles Depart from a Wall, Langmuir, 2022, 38, 14, 4371–4377.
5. Lenan Zhang#, Shuai Gong#, Zhengmao Lu, Ping Cheng*, Evelyn N. Wang*, "Boiling crisis due to bubble interactions," International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 182, 2022, 121904.
6. Zhaolong Wang, Yingying Li, Shuai Gong, Wenhao Li, Huigao Duan, Ping Cheng, Yongping Chen, and Zhichao Dong, Three-Dimensional Open Water Microchannel Transpiration Mimetics, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2022, 14, 26, 30435–30442.
7. Wenhan Zheng, Jian Li, Fangjun Hong, Shuai Gong, Ping Cheng. Mesoscale Simulations on the Ultrahigh Heat Flux Evaporation of R143a within Ultrathin Nanoporous Membrane Using a Modified Dimensionless Lattice Boltzmann Method, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 192, 2022, 122939.
Youngsup Song, Shuai Gong, Geoffrey Vaartstra, and Evelyn N. Wang*. Microtube surfaces for simultaneous enhancement of efficiency and critical heat flux during pool boiling, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2021, 13, 10, 12629-12635.
Ryuichi Iwata, Lenan Zhang, Kyle Wilke, Shuai Gong, Mingfu He, Betar M. Gallant and Evelyn N. Wang, Bubble growth and departure modes on wettable/non-wettable porous foams in alkaline water splitting, Joule, 5(4), 2021, 887-900.
(MIT NEWS报道,链接:https://news.mit.edu/2021/controlling-bubble-electrodes-0326 )
Lenan Zhang, Zhenyuan Xu, Lin Zhao, Bikram Bhatia, Yang Zhong, Shuai Gong and Evelyn N. Wang, Passive, high-efficiency thermally-localized solar desalination, Energy & Environmental Science, 14(4), 2021, 1771-1793.
Shuai Gong, Lenan Zhang, Ping Cheng, Evelyn N. Wang, "Understanding triggering mechanisms for critical heat flux in pool boiling based on direct numerical simulations," International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 163, 120546, 2020.
Lenan Zhang#, Shuai Gong#, Zhengmao Lu, Ping Cheng, Evelyn N. Wang, A unified relationship between bubble departure frequency and diameter during saturated nucleate pool boiling, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,Volume 165, Part A, 2021, 120640,
Lenan Zhang, Ryuichi Iwata, Lin Zhao, Shuai Gong, Zhengmao Lu, Zhenyuan Xu, Yang Zhong, Jinlong Zhu, Samuel Cruz, Kyle L. Wilke, Ping Cheng, Evelyn N. Wang, Nucleation Site Distribution Probed by Phase-Enhanced Environmental Scanning Electron Microscopy, Cell Reports Physical Science, 2020, 100262.
(MIT NEWS报道,链接:https://news.mit.edu/2020/droplet-nucleation-microscope-1202
bat365在线中国官网登录入口机动学院新闻报道,链接:/discovery/14798.html )
1. Shuai Gong and Ping Cheng*, Direct numerical simulations of pool boiling curves including heater's thermal responses and the effect of vapor phase's thermal conductivity, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 87 (2017) 61-71.
2. Shuai Gong and Ping Cheng*, Two-dimensional mesoscale simulations of saturated pool boiling from rough surfaces. Part II: Bubble interactions above multi-cavities, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 100 (2016) 938-948.
3. Shuai Gong, Ping Cheng* and Xiaojun Quan, Two-dimensional mesoscale simulations of saturated pool boiling from rough surfaces. Part I: Bubble nucleation in a single cavity at low superheats, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 100 (2016) 927-937.
4. Shuai Gong and Ping Cheng*, Lattice Boltzmann simulations for surface wettability effects in saturated pool boiling heat transfer, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 85 (2015) 635-646.
5. Shuai Gong and Ping Cheng*, Numerical simulation of pool boiling heat transfer on smooth surfaces with mixed wettability by lattice Boltzmann method, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 80 (2015) 206-216.
6. Shuai Gong and Ping Cheng*, Numerical investigation of saturated flow boiling in microchannels by the lattice Boltzmann method, Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A 65 (2014) 644-661.
7. Shuai Gong and Ping Cheng*, Lattice Boltzmann simulation of periodic bubble nucleation, growth and departure from a heated surface in pool boiling, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 64 (2013) 122-132.
8. Shuai Gong and Ping Cheng*, A lattice Boltzmann method for simulation of liquid-vapor phase-change heat transfer, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 55 (2012) 4923-4927.
9. Shuai Gong and Ping Cheng*, Numerical investigation of droplet motion and coalescence by an improved lattice Boltzmann model for phase transitions and multiphase flows, Computers & Fluids 53 (2012) 93-104.
10. Shuai Gong, Ping Cheng* and Xiaojun Quan, Lattice Boltzmann simulation of droplet formation in microchannels under an electric field, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 53 (2010) 5863-5870.
11. Lining Dong, Shuai Gong* and Ping Cheng, Direct numerical simulations of film boiling heat transfer by a phase-change lattice Boltzmann method, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 91 (2018) 109-116.
12. Ping Cheng*, Chaoyang Zhang and Shuai Gong. Lattice Boltzmann simulations of macro/microscale effects on saturated pool boiling curves for heated horizontal surfaces, Journal of Heat Transfer 139.11 (2017): 110801.
13. Xiaojing Ma, Ping Cheng*, Shuai Gong and Xiaojun Quan, Mesoscale simulations of saturated pool boiling heat transfer under microgravity conditions, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 114 (2017) 453-457.
14. 龚帅, 郑平*. 液滴在非均匀润湿表面上的动力行为. bat365在线中国官网登录入口学报, 2014, 48(2): 239-244.
15. 龚帅, 郭照立*. 横向振荡圆柱绕流的格子 Boltzmann方法模拟,力学学报,43 (5) 2011: 809-818.
16. 龚帅, 郭照立*. 流向振荡圆柱绕流的格子 Boltzmann方法模拟,力学学报,43(1) 2011:10-17.
1. P. Cheng, X. Quan, S. Gong, X. Liu and L. Yang, Chapter Four-Recent analytical and numerical studies on phase-change heat transfer, Advances in Heat Transfer 46, 2014, 187-248, Elsevier.
2. P. Cheng, S. Gong, C. Zhang, Chapter Four-Lattice Boltzmann Simulations of Saturated Pool Boiling from Smooth and Rough Horizontal Surfaces, Encyclopaedia of Two-Phase Heat Transfer and Flows IV, 2018, 209-237, World Scientific Publishing Company.
1. Ping Cheng, Xiaojun Quan, Shuai Gong et al., Recent studies on surface roughness and wettability effects in pool boiling. The 15th International Heat Transfer Conference, Kyoto. 2014. (Keynote paper)
2. 龚帅,蒋冬冬,郑平.非均匀润湿表面上的液滴动力行为研究,工程热物理年会,2012 年 11.23-11.26,东莞.
3. 董丽宁,龚帅.粗糙表面池沸腾的介观数值研究,中国工程热物理年会,2016年10.21-10.23,北京.
4. 龚帅, 张朝阳, 郑平.池沸腾传热的 LBM 直接数值模拟及加热器热响应,中国工程热物理年会,2017年10.27-10.29,苏州.
5. 龚帅, 马骁婧,郑平.池沸腾临界热流密度机理再探:高温干涸点的形成,中国工程热物理年会,2018年10.12-10.15,哈尔滨.
6. 李俊杨,龚帅,郑平.不同倾角朝下表面池沸腾的介观数值研究,中国工程热物理年会, 2020年11.27-11.29,广州.
7. 刘忠笑,龚帅,郑平.基底热物性对沸腾汽泡脱离频率的影响,中国工程热物理年会, 2022年7.29-7.31,上海.
8. 胡智珩,郑平,龚帅.纳米气泡/液滴表面张力尺度效应的介观研究,中国工程热物理年会, 2022年12.16-12.18,武汉.
9. Panpan Zhao, Shuai Gong, Zhiheng Hu, Ping Cheng. Effects of Dynamic Contact Angles on Coalescence-Induced Bubble Departure, 31st International Conference on Discrete Simulation of Fluid Dynamics, Aug. 22-Aug. 26, 2022, Soochow, China.
10. Shasha Ma, Shuai Gong*, Ping Cheng, The International Symposium on Multiscale Simulations of Thermophysics-2023 (MSTP-2023), Micro-scale heat transfer modelling of the evaporating meniscus in microchannels of sodium heat pipe, June 2nd -4th, 2023, Shen Zhen.
11. 丁圣洁,马莎莎,龚帅*.考虑蒸发弯月面区域微观传热的热管径向传热系数研究,中国工程热物理年会, 2023年11.17-11.20,成都.
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