2016.10 - 2019.10,法国原子能和替代能源委员会,Cadarache中心,博士
2016.10 - 2019.09,法国艾克斯马赛大学,能源、辐射与等离子体专业,博士
2010.09 - 2016.06,法国核能工程师(Titre d'Ingénieur Diplômé CTI)
2014.09 - 2016.06,中山大学,中法核工程与技术学院,硕士
2010.09 - 2014.06,中山大学,中法核工程与技术学院,学士
2023.02 - 至今, bat365在线中国官网登录入口,核科学与工程学院,副教授
2020.02 - 2023.01,bat365在线中国官网登录入口,核科学与工程学院,助理教授
课题组常年招收博士和硕士,欢迎有志于反应堆物理与安全的同学发送简历到 hui.guo@sjtu.edu.cn
Nuclear Engineering and Design,Annals of Nuclear Energy, Nuclear Technology,International Journal of Energy Research等期刊审稿人
2022-2024 国家自然科学基金青年项目,基于局部慢化能谱的长寿期小型快堆可燃毒物补偿控制特性研究,主持
2022-2024 核反应堆系统设计技术重点实验室运行基金,颗粒燃料堆芯蒙卡多群截面产生及局部非均匀计算方法研究,主持
2021-2023 上海市扬帆计划,兆瓦级热管冷却反应堆堆芯基础研究,主持
2022-2025 国家自然科学基金重点项目,十字螺旋金属燃料多物理耦合分析方法及其特性研究,主参
2022-2024 国电投-交大未来能源计划联合基金项目,先进固态热管堆关键分析软件研发及试验研究,主参
1. H. Guo, K. Feng, Y. Wu, X. Jin, X. Huo, H. Gu*, Preliminary verification of multi-group cross-sections generation and locally heterogeneous transport calculation using OpenMC with CEFR start-up tests benchmark, Progress in Nuclear Energy, 2022.
2. H. Guo, X. Jin, X. Huo, H. Gu*, H. Wu, Influence of nuclear data library on neutronics benchmark of China Experimental Fast Reactor start-up tests, Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 2022.
3. H. Guo, X. Huo, H. Gu*, K. Feng, Verification of OpenMC for fast reactor physics analysis with China Experimental Fast Reactor start-up tests, Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 2022.
4. K. Feng, Y. Wu, J. Hu, X. Jin, H. Gu, H. Guo*, Preliminary analysis of a zirconium hydride moderated megawatt heat pipe reactor, Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2022.
5. H. Guo, X. Peng, Y. Wu, X. Jin, K. Feng, H. Gu*, Neutronics modelling of control rod compensation operation in small modular fast reactor using OpenMC, Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 2021.
6. H. Guo, K. Y. Feng, H. Y. Gu*, X. Yao, and L. Bo, Neutronic modeling of megawatt-class heat pipe reactors, Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2021.
7. H. Guo*, L. Buiron, P. Sciora, and T. Kooyman, Designs of control rods with strong absorption ability for small fast reactors, Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 2020.
8. H. Guo*, L. Buiron, P. Sciora, and T. Kooyman, Optimization of reactivity control in a small modular sodium-cooled fast reactor, Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 2020.
9. H. Guo*, P. Sciora, L. Buiron, and T. Kooyman, Design Directions of Optimized Reactivity Control Systems in Sodium Fast Reactors, Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 2019.
10. H. Guo*, E. Garcia, B. Faure, L. Buiron, P. Archier, P. Sciora, G. Rimpault, Advanced method for neutronic simulation of control rods in sodium fast reactors: Numerical and Experimental Validation, Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2019.
11. H. Guo*, P. Archier, J. Vidal, L. Buiron, Advanced method for depletion calculation of control rods in sodium fast reactors, Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2019.
12. H. Guo*, P. Sciora, T. Kooyman, L. Buiron, G. Rimpault, Application of boron carbide as burnable poison in sodium fast reactors, Nuclear Technology, 2019.
13. H. Guo*, T. Kooyman, P. Sciora, L. Buiron, Application of Minor Actinides as Burnable Poison in Sodium Fast Reactors, Nuclear Technology, 2019.
14. H. Guo*, L. Buiron, P. Sciora, T. Kooyman, Optimized control rod designs for Generation-IV fast reactors using alternative absorbers and moderators, Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2019.
15. E. Garcia*, P. Sciora, T. Kooyman, G. Rimpault, H. Guo, B. Faure, Flux distribution in the Superphénix start-up core with APOLLO-3, Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2020.
16. T. Cong, Q. Zhang, J. Zhu, Y. Xiao, H. Guo, H. Gu*, Transverse mixing characteristics of single-phase flow in the helical cruciform fuel assembly, Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2023.
17. L. Liu, D. Zhu, M. Liu, D. Li, H. Guo, Y. Xiao, H. Gu*, Investigation of the safety limits and the limiting safety system settings on a super carbon-dioxide cooled micro modular reactor, Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2023.
18. L. Liu, B. Liu, Y. Xiao, H. Gu*, H. Guo, Preliminary thermal and mechanical analysis on the reactor core of a new heat pipe cooled reactor applied in the underwater environment, Progress in Nuclear Energy, 2022.
1. 一种高精度复杂能谱微堆多群截面制作方法,发明专利
2. 测量高温高压水介质下管系流致声共振的热态试验系统,发明专利
3. 种测量棒束通道内格架下游的壁面压力场的实验装置,发明专利
4. 超临界二氧化碳冷却反应堆安全限值计算与瞬态安全分析软件,软著
5. 铅基堆精细化子通道瞬态分析软件,软著
6. 螺旋燃料堆芯精细化瞬态安全分析软件,软著