








1995—1998 中国科学院力学研究所 (流体力学、低温工程专业) 博士
1992—1995 西安交通大学能源与动力工程学院 (工程热物理专业) 硕士
1988—1992 西安交通大学动力机械工程系 (流体机械专业) 学士


1998.07—1998.10 中国科学院低温技术实验中心, 助理研究员
1998.10—2000.10 荷兰艾因霍温(Eindhoven)大学物理系低温物理实验室, 博士后
2000.10—2002.10 中国科学院理化技术研究所,副研究员
2002.10—2005.10 美国哥伦比亚大学物理系Nevis实验室, Associate Scientist
2005.10—现在 bat365在线中国官网登录入口,教授(博导)


1、液化天然气技术 (油田伴生气、煤层气)及其冷能综合利用技术
3、低温粒子探测器研制 (暗物质、中微子)
4、小型低温制冷机技术 (脉管制冷机、G-M制冷机)


中国制冷学会 理事、第一专业委员会(低温工程)委员(2006—现在)
上海市制冷学会 常务理事、第一专业委员会(低温工程)主任(2007—现在)
上海市能源研究会 监事长 (2020—现在)
教育部科技奖励评审专家 (2011-)
科技部国际科技合作计划 评价专家(2007—)
国家自然科学基金 评审专家(2002—)
中国工程院院刊《Frontiers in Energy》期刊编委(2006—)、副主编(2011-)
《低温与超导》,《真空与低温》, 《低温工程》编委。



2022 - 2026 国家自然科学基金 面上项目“高佩克莱数条件下气泡近界面流动及传质机理研究”(52276158),参加
2021 - 2025 国家自然科学基金 重大项目“基于PANDAX-4T液氙实验的暗物质和中微子研究”(12090061),参加
2018 - 2021 上海市科学技术委员会 重点基础研究项目“4吨级超高纯精馏塔系统设计及研制”(18JC1410200),参加
2018 - 2020 中国工程院“工程院院刊能源分刊发展战略研究”,课题负责人
2016 - 2020 国家重点科学研发计划“基于惰性气体探测器的直接暗物质探测实验” (2016YFA0400300),参加
2015 – 2017 中国工程院“工程院院刊能源分刊发展战略研究”,课题负责人
2013 - 2017 工业与信息化部 “新型液化天然气船液货围护系统预先研究” (工信部联装[2012]534号),课题负责人
2013 - 2016 航天先进技术联合研究中心 “低温气瓶的气液两相热质传输特性研究”,负责人
2010 - 2014 科技部973计划 “暗物质暗能量的理论研究和实验预研” (2010CB833005):暗物质吨级液氙探测器的预研,子课题负责人
2011 - 2013 国家自然科学基金“磁流体脉动热管启动与传热特性及其机理的研究”,负责人
2007 - 2010 工业与信息化部“LNG船液舱围护结构系统研究”,负责人
2006 – 2009 科技部863计划“浮式海上油田伴生气液化储卸装置FPSO研究开发” (2006AA09Z317),负责人
2006 - 2009 科技部863计划“煤层气液化流程及装置的研究与开发” (2006AA06Z234),参加
2006 - 2008 上海市科委浦江人才计划“低温电子学用微型脉管制冷机关键技术研究及样机研制” (06PJ14052),负责人
2002 – 2004 国家自然科学基金“超导磁体冷却用4K脉冲管制冷机系统研究” (50176052),负责人


1. Yin, L. Ju, Y.L.* Review on the design and optimization of BOG re-liquefaction process in LNG ship, Energy, 2022, 244(4): 123065
2. Yin, L. Qi, M. Ju, Y.L.* Moon, I.I. Advanced design and analysis of BOG treatment process in LNG fueled ship combined with cold energy utilization from LNG gasification, International Journal of Refrigeration, 2022, 135: 231-242
3. Bi, Y.J. Ju, Y.L.* Design and analysis of an efficient hydrogen liquefaction process based on helium reverse Brayton cycle integrating with steam methane reforming and liquefied natural gas cold energy utilization, Energy, 2022, 252:124047
4. Bi, Y.J. Ju, Y.L.* Conceptual design and optimization of a novel hydrogen liquefaction process based on helium expansion cycle integrating with mixed refrigerant pre-cooling, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2022, 47(4): 16949-16963
5. Bi, Y.J. Yin, L. He, T. B. Ju, Y.L.* Optimization and analysis of a novel hydrogen liquefaction process for circulating hydrogen refrigeration, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2022, 47(1): 348-364
6. Li, S. Ju, Y.L.* Numerical study on the condensation characteristics of various refrigerants outside a horizontal plain tube at low temperatures, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2022, 176: 107508.

7. Bi, Y.J. Ju, Y.L.* Design and analysis of CO2 cryogenic separation process for the new LNG purification cold box, International Journal of Refrigeration, 2021, 130:1-9
8. Wu, S.X. Ju, Y.L.* Numerical study of the boil-off gas (BOG) generation characteristics in a type C independent liquefied natural gas (LNG) tank under sloshing excitation, Energy, 2021, 223: 120001
9. Wang, C. Ju, Y.L.* Fu, Y. Z. Dynamic modeling and analysis of LNG fuel tank pressurization under marine conditions, Energy, 2021, 232: 121029
10. Wang, C. Ju, Y.L.* Fu, Y. Z. Comparative life cycle cost analysis of low pressure fuel gas supply systems for LNG fueled ships, Energy, 2021, 218: 119541
11. Wang. C. Ju, Y.L.* Modeling, simulation and analysis of tank thermodynamic behaviors during no-vent LNG bunkering operations, Cryogenics, 2021, 120: 103373
12. Wang, X.L. Ju, Y.L.* et. al. Performance of cryogenic demountable indium seal at high pressures, Review of Scientific Instruments, 2021, 92(9): 093905
13. Niu, W. C. Ju, Y.L.* Fu, Y. Z. Li, L. System design and experimental verification of an internal insulation panel system for large-scale cryogenic wind tunnel, Cryogenics, 2021, 115: 103279
14. Cui, X. Y. Wang, Z. Ju, Y.L.* et. al. Design and commissioning of the PandaX-4T cryogenic distillation system for krypton and radon removal, Journal of Instrumentation, 2021, 16(7) 07046
15. Yan, R. Wang, Z. Cui, X. Y. Ju, Y.L.* et al. PandaX-4T cryogenic distillation system for removing krypton from xenon, Review of Scientific Instruments, 2021, 92(12) 123303
16. Cheng, C. et al. (PandaX-II Collaboration), Search for light dark matter–electron scattering in the PandaX-II experiment, Physical Review Letters, 2021, 126: 211803
17. Meng, Y. et al. (PandaX-4T Collaboration), Dark matter search results from the PandaX-4T commissioning run, Physical Review Letters, 2021, 127: 261802

18. Yin, L. Ju, Y.L.* Process optimization and analysis of a novel hydrogen liquefaction cycle, International Journal of Refrigeration, 2020, 110: 219-230.
19. Wu, J. T. Ju, Y.L.* Comprehensive comparison of small-scale natural gas liquefaction processes, Frontiers in Energy, 2020, 14(4): 683-698
20. Yin, L. Ju, Y.L.* Review on the design and optimization of hydrogen liquefaction processes, Frontiers in Energy, 2020, 14(3): 530-544
21. Niu, W. C. Lin, J. C. Ju, Y.L.* Fu, Y. Z. The daily evaporation rate test and conversion method for a new independent type B LNG mock-up tank, Cryogenics, 2020, 111:103168
22. Wu, S.X. Ju, Y.L.* Lin, J.C. Fu, Y.Z. Numerical simulation and experiment verification of the static boil-off rate and temperature field for a new independent type B liquefied natural gas ship mock up tank, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2020, 173:115265.
23. Yin, L. Ju, Y.L.* Comparison and analysis of two processes for BOG Re-liquefaction in LNG carrier with normal-temperature compressor, International Journal of Refrigeration, 2020, 115:9-17
24. Yin, L. Ju, Y.L.* Conceptual design and analysis of a novel process for BOG reliquefaction combined with absorption refrigeration cycle, Energy, 2020, 205: 118008
25. Yin, L. Ju, Y.L.* Design and analysis of a process for directly re-liquefying BOG using subcooled LNG for LNG carrier, Energy, 2020, 175: 117445
26. Cheng, H. Ju, Y.L.* Fu, Y. Z. Experimental study on heat transfer characteristics of cooling falling film outside a vertical tube in open rack vaporizer, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2020, 172:115187.
27. Cheng, H. Yin, L. Ju, Y.L.* Fu, Y.Z. Experimental investigation on heat transfer characteristics of supercritical nitrogen in a heated vertical tube, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2020, 152: 106327.
28. Cheng, H. Ju, Y.L.* Fu, Y.Z. Experimental and simulation investigation on heat transfer characteristics of supercritical nitrogen in a new rib tube of open rack vaporizer, International Journal of Refrigeration, 2020, 110: 219-230.
29. Ma, W.B. et al. (PandaX-II Collaboration), Internal calibration of the PandaX-II detector with radon gaseous sources, Journal of Instrumentation, 2020, 15(12) 12038.
30. Wang, Q.H. et al. (PandaX-II Collaboration), An improved evaluation of the neutron background in the PandaX-II experiment, Science China Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 2020, 63(3): 231011.
31. Wang, Q.H. et al. (PandaX-II Collaboration), Results of dark matter search using the full PandaX-II exposure, Chinese Physics C, 2020, 44(12): 125001.

32. He, T. B. Chong, Z. R. Zheng, J. J. Ju, Y.L.* Parvez, A. M. LNG cold energy utilization: Prospects and challenges, Energy, 2019, 170: 557-568
33. He, T. B. Liu, Z. M. Ju, Y.L.* Parvez, A. M. A comprehensive optimization and comparison of modified single mixed refrigerant and parallel nitrogen expansion liquefaction process for small-scale mobile LNG plant, Energy, 2019, 167: 1-12
34. Yin, L. Ju, Y.L.* Comparison and analysis of two nitrogen expansion cycles for BOG Re-liquefaction systems for small LNG ships, Energy, 2019, 172: 769-776
35. Wu, J. T. Ju, Y.L.* Design and optimization of natural gas liquefaction process using brazed plate heat exchangers based on the modified single mixed refrigerant process, Energy, 2019, 186:115819
36. Cheng, H. Ju, Y.L.* Fu, Y. Z. Thermal performance calculation with heat transfer correlations and numerical simulation analysis for typical LNG open rack vaporizer, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2019, 149(7): 1069-1079
37. Ni, K. X. et al. (PandaX-II Collaboration), Searching for neutrino-less double decay of 136Xe with PandaX-Ⅱ liquid xenon detector, Chinese Physics C, 2019, 43(11):113001
38. Xia, J. K. et al. (PandaX-II Collaboration), PandaX-II constraints on spin-dependent WIMP-nucleon effective interactions, Physics Letters B, 2019, 792: 193~198
39. Zhang, H. Z. et al. (PandaX-II Collaboration), Dark matter direct search sensitivity of the PandaX-4T experiment, Science China Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 2019, 62(3) 031011

40. He, T. B. Karimia, I. A. Ju, Y.L.* Review on the design and optimization of natural gas liquefaction processes for onshore and offshore applications, Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 2018, 132: 89-114
41. Wu, J. T. He, T. B. Ju, Y.L.* Experimental study on CO2 frosting and clogging in a brazed plate heat exchanger for natural gas liquefaction process, Cryogenics, 2018, 91:128-135
42. Ren, X. X. et al. (PandaX-II Collaboration), Constraining Dark Matter Models with a Light Mediator at the PandaX-II Experiment, Phys. Rev. Lett., 2018,121, 021304

43. Sha, L.L Ju, Y.L.* Zhang, H. and Wang, J.X. Experimental investigation on the convective heat transfer of Fe3O4/water nanofluids under constant magnetic field, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017, 113(11): 566-574
44. Sha, L.L Ju, Y.L.* Zhang, H. Wang, J.X. The influence of the magnetic field on the convective heat transfer characteristics of Fe3O4/water nanofluids, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017, 126(7): 108-116
45. Xue, F. R. Chen, Y. Ju, Y.L.* Design and optimization of a novel cryogenic Rankine power generation system employing binary and ternary mixtures as working fluids based on the cold exergy utilization of liquefied natural gas (LNG), Energy, 2017, 138: 706-721.
46. Niu, W.C. Li, G. L. Ju, Y.L.* Fu, Y. Z. Design and analysis of the thermal insulation system for a new independent type B LNG carrier, Ocean Engineering, 2017, 142:51-61
47. Chen, M. Ju, Y. L.* Experimental study of quasi-periodic on-off phenomena in a small-scale traveling wave thermoacoustic heat engine, Cryogenics, 2017, 85:23-29.
48. Li, M.F. Ju, Y.L.* The analysis of the operating performance of a chiller system based on hierarchal cluster method, Energy and Buildings, 2017, 138: 695-703.
49. Li, M.F. Ju, Y.L.* Experimental measurements and evaluation of the expanded water repellent perlite used for the cargo containment system of LNG carrier, Cryogenics, 2017, 87:49-57.
50. Li, M.F. Ju, Y.L.* Experimental investigation on the thermal performance of wraparound loop heat pipe heat exchanger for heat recovery in air handling units, Heat Transfer Research, 2017, 48(14):1313–1326.
51. Chen, X. et al. (PandaX-II Collaboration), Exploring the dark matter inelastic frontier with 79.6 days of PandaX-II data, Phys. Rev. D, 2017, 96, 102007.
52. Fu, C. B. et al. (PandaX-II Collaboration), Limits on Axion Couplings from the First 80 Days of Data of the PandaX-II Experiment, Phys. Rev. Lett. 2017, 119, 181806.
53. Fu, C. B. et al. (PandaX-II Collaboration), Spin-Dependent Weakly-Interacting-Massive-Particle–Nucleon Cross Section Limits from First Data of PandaX-II Experiment, Phys. Rev. Lett. 2017, 118, 071301.
54. Cui, X. Y. et al. (PandaX-II Collaboration), Dark Matter Results from 54-Ton-Day Exposure of PandaX-II Experiment, Phys. Rev. Lett. 2017, 119, 181302.

55. Xue, F.R. Chen, Y. Ju, Y.L.* A review of cryogenic power generation cycles with liquefied natural gas cold energy utilization, Frontiers in Energy, 2016,10 (3): 363-374 (引用35次)
56. He, T.B. Ju, Y.L.* Dynamic simulation of mixed refrigerant process for small-scale LNG plant in skid mount packages, Energy, 2016, 97: 350-358. (引用30次)
57. Chen, M. Ju, Y. L.* Simulation and experimental improvement on a small-scale Stirling thermo-acoustic engine, Frontiers in Energy, 2016, 10(1): 37-45
58. Tan A. D. et al. (PandaX-II Collaboration). Dark matter search results from the commissioning run of PandaX-II, Phys. Rev. D. 2016, 93, 122009 (引用55次)
59. Tan A. D. et al. (PandaX-II Collaboration). Dark matter results from first 98.7 days of data from the PandaX-II experiment, Phys. Rev. Lett. 2016, 117, 121303.

60. He, T.B. Ju, Y.L.* Optimal synthesis of expansion liquefaction cycle for distributed-scale LNG plant, Energy, 2015, 88: 268-280.
61. Chen, M. Ju, Y. L.* Effect of different working gases on the performance of a small thermoacoustic Stirling engine, International Journal of Refrigeration, 2015, 51: 41-51.
62. Xiao, X. et al. (PandaX-II Collaboration). Low-mass dark matter search results from full exposure of the PandaX-I experiment, Physical Review D, 2015, 92(5), 052004.


1. 巨永林,毕于敬,殷靓,基于双回路循环氢气制冷的氢气液化系统及使用方法, 中国发明专利,专利号:CN202111279555.0,申请日:2021.10.28,公开号:CN114034159A,公开日:2022.02.11
2. 巨永林,殷靓,一种结合吸收式制冷的LNG船BOG再液化系统及其使用方法, 中国发明专利,专利号:CN202110594091.6,申请日:2021.05.28,公开号:CN113266999A,公开日:2021.08.17
3. 巨永林,殷靓,一种结合吸收式制冷的LNG船BOG再液化系统,中国发明专利,专利号:CN202121174089.5,申请日:2021.05.28,公开号:CN215113524U,公开日:2021.12.10
4. 李海冰,巨永林,船用蒸发气再液化系统,中国发明专利,申请号:CN202022577162.5,申请日:2020.11.09,公开号:CN213599654U,公开日:2021.07.02
5. 巨永林,鲍雨凝,王承,适用于小型船舶的低压燃气供应系统, 中国发明专利,专利号:CN201911180650.8,申请日:2019.11.27,公开号:CN110761920A,公开日:2020.02.07
6. 巨永林,成赫,傅允准,适用于LNG开架式气化器的新型换热管,中国发明专利,专利号:CN201910968133.0,申请日:2019.10.12,公开号:CN110715573A,公开日:2020.01.21
7. 王刚,张华,巨永林,基于LNG冷能的高纯特种气体节能型生产系统,中国发明专利,专利号:CN201721333022.5, 申请日:2017.10.16,公开号:CN207280081U,公开日:2018.04.27
8. 王刚,张华,巨永林,基于LNG冷能的高纯特种气体节能型生产方法及系统,中国发明专利,专利号:CN201710963932.X, 申请日:2017.10.16,公开号:CN107576148A,公开日:2018.01.12
9. 陈煜,巨永林,一种船用液化天然气冷能用于冷库制冷的系统与方法,中国发明专利,专利号:201710456749.0, 申请日:2017.06.16,公开号:CN107345728A,公开日:2017.11.14
10. 巨永林,薛菲尔,陈煜,利用LNG冷能的混合工质梯级发电与剩余冷量输出系统,中国发明专利,专利号:201710235556.2,申请日:2017.04.12,授权号:CN106939802B,授权日:2019.07.12
11. 陈煜,巨永林,一种发电系统以及基于该系统的发电方法,中国发明专利,专利号: 201510279905.1,授权号:CN104989473B,授权日:2016.10.19
12. 巨永林,傅允准,吴纪潭,贺天彪,程真锋,陈金伟,张文吉,李磊,一种采用混合制冷剂循环的钎焊板式换热器天然气液化系统,中国发明专利,专利号:201820838822.0,申请日:2018.05.30,公开号:CN108775770A,公开日:2018.11.09
13. 巨永林,傅允准,吴纪潭,贺天彪,程真锋,陈金伟,张文吉,李磊,一种集成二氧化碳分离模块的天然气液化冷箱,中国发明专利,专利号:201810542642.2,申请日:2018.05.30,公开号:CN108645117A,公开日:2018.10.12
14. 巨永林,贺天彪,撬装天然气液化净化一体式冷箱,中国发明专利,专利号:201610244134.7,公开号:CN105890281A,公开日:2016.08.24
15. 巨永林,贺天彪,基于板式换热器的模块化混合制冷剂天然气液化系统及其方法,中国发明专利,专利号:201610153928.2,公开号:CN105737515A,公开日:2016.07.06
16. 巨永林,傅允准,李国隆,液化天然气船独立液货舱绝热层系统及其构建方法, 中国发明专利,专利号:201510199083.6,公开号:CN104802937A,公开日:2015.07.29
17. 巨永林,傅允准,李国隆,带有防溅屏结构的独立B型LNG船液货舱绝热系统, 中国发明专利,专利号:CN201610074852.4,授权号:CN105736903B,授权日:2018.05.01
18. 巨永林,傅允准,李国隆,B型独立LNG液货舱绝热层安装固定机构及固定方法,中国
19. 巨永林,傅允准,李国隆,液化天然气船B型独立液货舱绝热系统及其构造方法,中国发明专利,专利号:201410577557.1,授权号:CN104443284B,授权日:2017.05.10
20. 张华,巨永林,一种液态有机燃料多用途节能燃烧系统,中国发明专利,专利号: 201510225519.4,授权号:CN104832230B,授权日:2016.08.24
21. 巨永林,郝熙欢,祝铁军,李海冰,小型撬装式液化天然气蒸发气再液化回收装置,专利号:201410020562.2,公开号:CN103759496B,授权日:2016.02.10
22. 巨永林,郝熙欢,祝铁军,小型撬装式液化天然气蒸发气再液化回收装置的安装结构,专利号:201410020565.6,公开号:CN103759497B,授权日:2016.01.13
23. 巨永林,郝熙欢,祝铁军,小型撬装式液化天然气蒸发气再液化回收无泵循环方法,专利号:201410020588.7,公开号:CN103759498B,授权日:2016.02.10
24. 巨永林,贺天彪,小型撬装式混合制冷剂天然气液化和NGL回收一体系统,专利号:201410083220.5,公开号: CN103868324B,授权日:2015.10.14
26. 巨永林,贺天彪,利用膨胀机直接液化管道天然气的装置及方法,中国发明专利, 专利号:201310159550.3,公开号:CN103292574A,授权日:2016.03.02
27. 巨永林,贺天彪,利用管道压力能制备液化天然气的装置及使用方法,中国发明专利, 专利号: 201310086863.0,公开号:CN103175379A,授权日:2015.10.14
28. 巨永林,贺天彪,小型撬装式单阶混合制冷剂天然气液化系统及其方法,中国发明专利, 专利号: 201310082270.7, 公开号:CN103363778A,授权日:2015.07.08
29. 巨永林,贺天彪,小型撬装式氮膨胀天然气液化系统及其方法,中国发明专利, 专利号: 201310082291.5, 公开号CN103215093A,授权日:2014.6.18
30. 巨永林,王刚,唐鑫,张华,矿井软体救生舱用无外界电源空调制冷系统,中国发明专利, 专利号:201110292739.0,公开号:CN102330563B,授权日:2013.07.17
31. 唐鑫,巨永林,王刚,李满峰,一种适用于机房精密控制空调的节能装置,中国发明专利, 专利号:201110273366.2,公开号:CN102425828B,授权日:2013.08.07
32. 李满峰,巨永林,刘华萱,液氮温区用双试件防护热板导热系数测定仪,中国发明专利,专利号:201010245604.4,公开号:CN101915783B,授权日:2012.04.25
33. 巨永林,李满峰,刘立东,邢培永,液化天然气船用膨胀珍珠岩憎水系统,中国发明专利, 201110143623.0, 公开号:CN102226498B,授权日:2012.07.25
34. 李满峰,巨永林,刘华萱,防护热板装置用线热源式加热器, 中国发明专利, 专利号: 201010255460.0,公开号:CN101938861B,授权日:2013.01.02
35. 巨永林,王刚,组合热管换热器,中国发明专利, 专利号:200910307503.2,公开号:CN101666589,授权日:2010.12.01
36. 刘轶伦,谢鑫,竺仁,顾妍,巨永林,双自由度海洋浮动平台仿真装置,中国发明专利, 专利号:200910052463.1,公开号:CN101576433,授权日:2011.05.04
37. 郝熙欢,巨永林,刘华萱,低温制冷机回热器整流元件, 中国发明专利, 专利号: 201010284842.6,公开号:CN101936630B,授权日:2012.01.05
38. 李秋英,巨永林,含氧煤层气的液化精馏方法,中国发明专利,专利号:201010274504.4,公开号:CN101922849A,授权日:2012.05.23
39. 谢鑫,刘轶伦,竺仁,顾妍,巨永林,双自由度可调振幅平台,中国发明专利, 专利号:200910050466.4,公开号:CN101544271,授权日:2011.04.20
40. 顾妍,巨永林,单自由度可调振幅平台,中国发明专利,专利号:200810201923.8,公开号:CN101391648,授权日:2010.09.29 (2014.7已转让安恩吉)
41. 巨永林,杨康俊,顾妍,频率及角度可调的海洋浮动平台仿真装置,中国发明专利, 专利号:2007101707607,公开号:CN101201291,授权日:2009.11.18
42. 巨永林,苏伟,刘华萱,螺纹焊接整体狭缝式同轴脉管制冷机,中国发明专利, 专利号:200810039570.6,公开号:CN101298947,授权日:2010.06.09
43. 巨永林,苏伟,刘华萱,用于同轴脉管制冷机的螺纹焊接整体狭缝式冷头,中国发明专利, 专利号:200810039571.0,公开号:CN101298948,授权日:2010.01.27
44. 巨永林,王坤,双冷头狭缝冷指同轴脉管制冷机,中国发明专利, 专利号:200610026666.X, 公开号:CN1851355,授权日:2008.04.23
45. 巨永林, 一种无回热器的反相气体循环低温制冷机, 中国发明专利,专利号:01109092.8,公开号:CN1373335,授权日:2004.03.03

1998年,中国科学院发明奖 二等奖 (脉冲管制冷机的深入研究及实用化)
1999年,国家技术发明奖 三等奖 (脉冲管制冷机的研制)
2003年,Carl von Linde Award, 21st. International Congress of Refrigeration, Washington DC. USA, (美国华盛顿 第21届国际制冷大会 林德奖)