










2019.07 - 2021.09 bat365在线中国官网登录入口,院长
2017.06 - 2019.07 bat365在线中国官网登录入口,常务副院长
2015.01 - 2017.06 bat365在线中国官网登录入口致远工科荣誉计划,项目主任
2015.01 - 2017.06 bat365在线中国官网登录入口学生处副处长
2013.01 - 机械系统与振动国家重点实验室,副主任
2012.01 - bat365在线中国官网登录入口,特聘教授
2009.03 - 2011.12 bat365在线中国官网登录入口,特别研究员
2008.07 - 2009.02 英国Sheffield大学自动控制系,Research Fellow
2007.10 - 2008.06 英国Loughborough大学机械电子研究中心,Research Fellow
2005.04 - 2007.09 英国Sheffield大学自动控制系,Research Fellow
2004.06 - 2005.04 英国Cranfield大学过程与系统工程系,Research Fellow
2003.03 - 2004.03 香港城市大学工业工程系,Research Associate


1) 信号分析与智能运维
2) 振动分析与控制
3) 微波感知技术
4) 海上浮式风力发电
5) 超材料设计与动力学

1) 杨 扬, 2010 - 2013, 牛津大学
2) 程长明,2012 - 2015, bat365在线中国官网登录入口
3) 李星占,2012 - 2016, 中国工程物理研究院
4) 王新宽,2014 - 2017, 中国工程物理研究院
5) 张明威, 2013 - 2017, 百度 (上海)
6) 熊玉勇, 2015 - 2018, bat365在线中国官网登录入口
7) 陈是扦, 2014 - 2019, 西南交通大学
8) 温斌荣,2015 - 2020, bat365在线中国官网登录入口
9) 卫一民, 2013 - 2019,
10) 兰锦春,2012 - 2020
11) 李占伟,2018 - 2021, 南京航空航天大学

1)杨 扬 - 牛津大学工作
2) 程长明 - bat365在线中国官网登录入口副教授
3) 魏 莎 - 上海大学副教授
4)胡松涛- bat365在线中国官网登录入口副教授
5) 王增伟
6) 熊玉勇- bat365在线中国官网登录入口副教授


1) 机械系统与振动国家重点实验室副主任
2) 上海市闵行区第六届人大代表 (2017-2021)
3) 上海市青年科技人才协会副会长(发起人之一)
4) 全国科技创新领军人才联盟理事
5) 中国振动工程学会理事
6) 上海力学学会理事
7) 上海力学学会动力学与控制专委会主任委员
8) 中国力学学会动力学与控制专业委员会委员
9) 中国振动工程学会非线性振动专业委员会副主任委员
10) 中国振动工程学会设备故障诊断专业委员会副理事长
11) 中国振动工程学会学术工作委员会委员
12) 中国振动工程学会科技咨询工作委员会委员
13) 《Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering 》编委
14) 《Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering》编委
15) 《计算力学学报》编委
16) 《噪声与振动控制》编委
17) 《振动与冲击》编委
18) 《动力学与控制学报》编委
19) 天津市非线性动力学与控制重点实验室学术委员会委员
20) 上海市能源工程力学重点实验室学术委员会委员
21) 华东交通大学载运工具与装备教育部重点实验室学术委员会委员
22) 湖南科技大学机械设备健康维护湖南省重点实验室学术委员会主任委员

《机械动力学与振动》 本科生
《弹性力学与有限元》 研究生
《数字信号处理》 研究生


19) 科技部重大专项子课题,核电厂关键设备和管道振动控制设计技术研究,2019.01-2020.12
18) 企业委托,螺旋盘管在铅锚流体作用下的流致振动机理研究,2020.01-2021.08
17) 企业委托,典型核岛主设备故障诊断及健康管理系统软件开发,2020.03-2020.12
16) 企业委托,发电机远程智能监测与诊断专项技术开发,2020.04-2020.09
15) 企业委托,核电厂主设备缺陷监测及诊断系统瞬态识别模块开发和样机集成,2020.07-2021.01
14) 企业委托,大型液压阻尼器典型故障诊断系统,2020.10-2021.04
13) 企业委托,气动调节阀在线监测软件开发与测试,2020.10-2021.01
12) 企业委托,先进封装过程监测研究,2018.06-2018.12
11) 国家自然科学基金重点项目:中近海域大型海上浮式风机耦合动力学与稳定性机理研究 (2017.01-2021.12, 300万,项目批准编号:11632011)
10) 上海思瑞在线监测技术有限公司委托项目:发电机转子匝间短路在线监测设备研究开发(2015.12-2016.06)
9) 上海市科委国际合作重点项目:薄壁件铣削过程稳定性分析、监测与控制(2014.07-2017.06, 50万, 项目批准编号:14140711100)
8) 国家自然科学基金面上项目:基于广义多项式混沌展开理论的振动系统不确定性问题研究 (2015.01-2018.12,90万, 项目批准编号:11472170)
7) 上海电气电站设备有限公司委托项目: 600MW发电机机座模态和动力特性测试研究(2013.04-2014.3)
6) 国家杰出青年科学基金:复杂机电系统非线性动力学频域辨识方法(2012.01-2015.12, 240万,项目批准编号:11125209)
5) 国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作交流项目(NSFC-RS:中英):基于非线性Lamb 波及频域分析的结构损伤定位及评估方法研究 (2013.04–2015.03,中方主持,12.7万,项目批准编号:11311130116)
4) 英国EPSRC资助项目:新一代阻尼技术 (2008.3-2011.3,35万英镑,英国Sheffield 大学)
3) 国家自然科学基金青年基金:基于Volterra级数理论的多自由度非线性振动系统的频率响应特性研究 (2010.1-2012.12, 24万,项目批准编号:10902068)
2) 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划 (2010.01-2012.12,50万,项目批准编号:NCET-09-0548)
1) 上海市浦江人才支持计划(2010.06-2012.06,20万,项目批准编号:10PJ1406000)


发表SCI收录论文121篇(第1作者39篇),SCI他引2150余次(按Google Scholar,论文引用5000余次),4篇入选本领域近十年ESI TOP 1%高被引论文,2014~2018年连续入选爱思唯尔“中国高被引学者榜单”。

[1] P Zhou, X Dong, S Chen, Z Peng, W Zhang, Parameterized model based Short-time chirp component decomposition, Signal Processing 145(2018), 146-154
[2] Y Yang, Z Peng, X Dong, W Zhang, DA Clifton, Component isolation for multi-component signal analysis using a non-parametric gaussian latent feature model, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 103(2018), 368-380
[3] J Zhong, S Zhong, Q Zhang, Z Peng, Measurement of instantaneous rotational speed using double-sine-varying-density fringe pattern, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 103(2018), 117-130
[4] HX Zou, WM Zhang, WB Li, KX Wei, KM Hu, ZK Peng, G Meng, Magnetically coupled flextensional transducer for wideband vibration energy harvesting: Design, modeling and experiments, Journal of Sound and Vibration 416(2018), 55-79
[5] S Hu, W Huang, X Shi, Z Peng, X Liu, Y Wang, Bi-Gaussian stratified effect of rough surfaces on acoustic emission under a dry sliding friction, Tribology International 119(2018), 308-315
[6] Y Xiong, Z Peng, G Xing, W Zhang, G Meng, Accurate and Robust Displacement Measurement for FMCW Radar Vibration Monitoring, IEEE Sensors Journal 18 (2018) , 1131-1139
[7] S Wei, ZK Peng, XJ Dong, WM Zhang, A nonlinear subspace-prediction error method for identification of nonlinear vibrating structures, Nonlinear Dynamics 91 (2018) , 1605-1617
[8] S Hu, W Huang, X Shi, Z Peng, X Liu, Y Wang, Evolution of bi-Gaussian surface parameters and sealing performance for a gas face seal under a low-speed condition, Tribology International (2018)
[9] S Chen, X Dong, Y Xiong, Z Peng, WM Zhang, Non-Stationary Signal De-noising Using an Envelope-Tracking Filter, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics (2018)
[10] B Wen, X Tian, X Dong, Z Peng, W Zhang, Influences of surge motion on the power and thrust characteristics of an offshore floating wind turbine, Energy 141(2017), 2054-2068
[11] S Chen, X Dong, Z Peng, W Zhang, G Meng, Nonlinear chirp mode decomposition: A variational method, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 65 (2017), 6024-6037
[12] Y Xiong, S Chen, X Dong, Z Peng, W Zhang, Accurate measurement in Doppler radar vital sign detection based on parameterized demodulation, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 65 (2017), 4483-4492
[13] HX Zou, WM Zhang, WB Li, QH Gao, KX Wei, ZK Peng, G Meng, Design, modeling and experimental investigation of a magnetically coupled flextensional rotation energy harvester, Smart Materials and Structures 26 (2017), 115023
[14] QH Gao, WM Zhang, HX Zou, WB Li, ZK Peng, G Meng, Design and Analysis of a Bistable Vibration Energy Harvester Using Diamagnetic Levitation Mechanism, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 53 (2017), 1-9
[15] Y Xiong, S Chen, G Xing, Z Peng, W Zhang, Static clutter elimination for frequency-modulated continuous-wave radar displacement measurement based on phasor offset compensation, Electronics Letters 53(2017), 1491-1493
[16] S Chen, X Dong, G Xing, Z Peng, W Zhang, G Meng, Separation of overlapped non-stationary signals by ridge path regrouping and intrinsic chirp component decomposition, IEEE Sensors Journal 17(2017), 5994-6005
[17] HX Zou, W Zhang, WB Li, KX Wei, QH Gao, ZK Peng, G Meng, Design and experimental investigation of a magnetically coupled vibration energy harvester using two inverted piezoelectric cantilever beams for rotational motion, Energy Conversion and Management 148(2017), 1391-1398
[18] XQ Li, WB Li, WM Zhang, HX Zou, ZK Peng, G Meng, Magnetic force induced tristability for dielectric elastomer actuators, Smart Materials and Structures 26 (2017), 105007
[19] H Yan, WM Zhang, HM Jiang, KM Hu, FJ Hong, ZK Peng, G Meng, A measurement criterion for accurate mass detection using vibrating suspended microchannel resonators, Journal of Sound and Vibration 403(2017), 1-20
[20] B Wen, S Wei, K Wei, W Yang, Z Peng, F Chu, Power fluctuation and power loss of wind turbines due to wind shear and tower shadow, Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering 12 (2017), 321-332
[21] X Wang, Q Xu, M Huang, L Zhang, Z Peng, Effects of journal rotation and surface waviness on the dynamic performance of aerostatic journal bearings, Tribology International 112(2017), 1-9
[22] S Chen, Z Peng, Y Yang, X Dong, W Zhang, Intrinsic chirp component decomposition by using Fourier Series representation, Signal Processing 137(2017), 319-327
[23] XZ Li, XJ Dong, ZK Peng, WM Zhang, G Meng, Local variation detection in MDOF system using wavelet based transmissibility and its application in cracked beam, Journal of Vibration and control 23(2017), 2307-2327
[24] WB Li, WM Zhang, HX Zou, ZK Peng, G Meng, A novel variable stiffness mechanism for dielectric elastomer actuators, Smart Materials and Structures 26 (2017), 085033
[25] P Zhou, Z Peng, S Chen, Y Yang, W Zhang, Non-stationary signal analysis based on general parameterized time–frequency transform and its application in the feature extraction of a rotary machine, Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering, (2017), 1-9
[26] S Wei, QK Han, XJ Dong, ZK Peng, FL Chu, Dynamic response of a single-mesh gear system with periodic mesh stiffness and backlash nonlinearity under uncertainty, Nonlinear Dynamics 89(2017), 49-60
[27] HX Zou, WM Zhang, WB Li, KM Hu, KX Wei, ZK Peng, G Meng, A broadband compressive-mode vibration energy harvester enhanced by magnetic force intervention approach, Applied Physics Letters 110 (2017), 163904
[28] WM ZHANG, H YAN, ZK PENG, G MENG, Research progress on energy dissipation mechanisms in micro-and nano-mechanical resonators, Chinese Science Bulletin 62 (2017), 2077-2093
[29] CM Cheng, ZK Peng, WM Zhang, G Meng, Volterra-series-based nonlinear system modeling and its engineering applications: A state-of-the-art review, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 87(2017), 340-364
[30] X Wang, Q Xu, B Wang, L Zhang, H Yang, Z Peng, Numerical Calculation of Rotation Effects on Hybrid Air Journal Bearings, Tribology Transactions 60 (2017), 195-207
[31] S Chen, X Dong, Y Yang, W Zhang, Z Peng, G Meng, Chirplet path fusion for the analysis of time-varying frequency-modulated signals, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 64 (2017), 1370-1380
[32] MW Zhang, S Wei, ZK Peng, XJ Dong, WM Zhang, A two-stage time domain subspace method for identification of nonlinear vibrating structures, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 120(2017), 81-90
[33] YM Wei, ZK Peng, XJ Dong, WM Zhang, G Meng, Mechanism of Optimal Targeted Energy Transfer, Journal of Applied Mechanics 84 (2017), 011007
[34] HX Zou, WM Zhang, KX Wei, WB Li, ZK Peng, G Meng, A compressive-mode wideband vibration energy harvester using a combination of bistable and flextensional mechanisms, Journal of Applied Mechanics 83 (2016), 121005
[35] X Wang, Q Xu, B Wang, L Zhang, H Yang, Z Peng, Effect of surface waviness on the static performance of aerostatic journal bearings, Tribology International 103(2016), 394-405

[36] WB Li, WM Zhang, HX Zou, ZK Peng, G Meng, Asymmetry bistability for a coupled dielectric elastomer minimum energy structure, Smart Materials and Structures 25 (2016), 115023
[37] H Yan, WM Zhang, HM Jiang, KM Hu, ZK Peng, G Meng, Dynamical characteristics of fluid-conveying microbeams actuated by electrostatic force, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics 20(2016), 137
[38] CM Cheng, ZK Peng, WM Zhang, G Meng, A novel approach for identification of cascade of Hammerstein model, Nonlinear Dynamics 86(2016), 513-522
[39] Y Deng, CM Cheng, Y Yang, ZK Peng, WX Yang, WM Zhang, Parametric Identification of Nonlinear Vibration Systems Via Polynomial Chirplet Transform, Journal of Vibration and Acoustics 138 (2016), 051014
[40] HX Zou, WM Zhang, KX Wei, WB Li, ZK Peng, G Meng, Design and Analysis of a Piezoelectric Vibration Energy Harvester Using Rolling Mechanism, Journal of Vibration and Acoustics 138 (2016), 051007
[41] KM Hu, WM Zhang, X Shi, H Yan, ZK Peng, G Meng, Adsorption-induced surface effects on the dynamical characteristics of micromechanical resonant sensors for in situ real-time detection, Journal of Applied Mechanics 83 (2016), 081009
[42] Y Yang, ZK Peng, XJ Dong, WM Zhang, G Meng, Nonlinear time-varying vibration system identification using parametric time–frequency transform with spline kernel, Nonlinear dynamics 85 (2016), 1679-1694
[43] S Wei, Q Han, Z Peng, F Chu, Dynamic analysis of wind turbine gearboxes with unknown-but-bounded parameters under random wind excitation, IET Renewable Power Generation 11 (2016), 433-442
[44] W Yang, Z Peng, K Wei, P Shi, W Tian, Superiorities of variational mode decomposition over empirical mode decomposition particularly in time–frequency feature extraction and wind turbine condition monitoring, IET Renewable Power Generation 11 (2016), 443-452
[45] W Yang, Z Peng, K Wei, W Tian, Structural health monitoring of composite wind turbine blades: challenges, issues and potential solutions, IET Renewable Power Generation 11 (2016), 411-416
[46] MW Zhang, ZK Peng, XJ Dong, WM Zhang, G Meng, Location identification of nonlinearities in MDOF systems through order deternation of state-space models, Nonlinear Dynamics 84 (2016), 1837-1852
[47] S Wei, Q Han, Z Peng, F Chu, Dynamic analysis of parametrically excited system under uncertainties and multi-frequency excitations, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 72(2016), 762-784
[48] WM Zhang, H Yan, HM Jiang, KM Hu, ZK Peng, G Meng, Dynamics of suspended microchannel resonators conveying opposite internal fluid flow: Stability, frequency shift and energy dissipation, Journal of Sound and Vibration 368(2016), 103-120
[49] Y Yang, ZK Peng, WM Zhang, G Meng, ZQ Lang, Dispersion analysis for broadband guided wave using generalized warblet transform, Journal of Sound and Vibration 367(2016), 22-36
[50] X Zhang, Q Han, Z Peng, F Chu, A comprehensive dynamic model to investigate the stability problems of the rotor–bearing system due to multiple excitations, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 70(2016), 1171-1192
[51] WM Zhang, KM Hu, B Yang, ZK Peng, G Meng, Effects of surface relaxation and reconstruction on the vibration characteristics of nanobeams, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 49 (2016), 165304
[52] S Chen, Y Yang, K Wei, X Dong, Z Peng, W Zhang, Time-varying frequency-modulated component extraction based on parameterized demodulation and singular value decomposition, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 65 (2016), 276-285
[53] KM Hu, WM Zhang, ZK Peng, G Meng, Transverse vibrations of mixed-mode cracked nanobeams with surface effect, Journal of Vibration and Acoustics 138(2016), 011020
[54] WM Zhang, H Yan, Z Peng, G Meng, Finite volume modeling of gas flow in microbearings with rough surface topography, Tribology Transactions 59 (2016), 99-107
[55] J Lan, Z Peng, Interval uncertainty analysis using CANDECOMP/PARAFAC decomposition, Model Validation and Uncertainty Quantification, Volume 3(2016), 73-81
[56] Y Yang, XJ Dong, ZK Peng*, WM Zhang, G Meng, Vibration signal analysis using parameterized time–frequency method for features extraction of varying-speed rotary machinery, Journal of Sound and Vibration 335(2015), 350-366
[57] CM Cheng, ZK Peng*, X.J Dong, WM Zhang, G Meng, A novel damage detection approach by using Volterra kernel functions based analysis, Journal of the Franklin Institute, 352(2015) 3098–3112
[58] Y Yang, X Dong, Z Peng*, W Zhang, G Meng, Component Extraction for Non-Stationary Multi-Component Signal Using Parameterized De-chirping and Band-Pass Filter, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 22 (2015), 1373-1377
[59] Y Liu, E Pavlovskaia, M Wiercigroch, Z Peng, Forward and backward motion control of a vibro-impact capsule system, International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 70(2015), 30-46
[60] KM Hu, WM Zhang, XJ Dong, ZK Peng, G Meng, Scale Effect on Tension-Induced Intermodal Coupling in Nanomechanical Resonators, ASME-Journal of Vibration and Acoustics 137 (2015), 021008
[61] H Yan, WM Zhang, ZK Peng, G Meng, Effect of random surface topography on the gaseous flow in microtubes with an extended slip model, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics 18 (2015), 897-910
[62] H Yan, WM Zhang, ZK Peng, G Meng, Effect of Three-Dimensional Surface Topography on Gas Flow in Rough Micronozzles, Journal of Fluids Engineering 137 (2015), 051202
[63] X Zhang, Q Han, Z Peng, F Chu, A new nonlinear dynamic model of the rotor-bearing system considering preload and varying contact angle of the bearing, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 22 (2015), 821-841
[64] 彭志科*,程长明,Volterra 级数理论研究进展与展望, 科学通报,60(2015) 1874-1888
[65] Y. Yang, Z. K. Peng*, X. J. Dong, W. M. Zhang, and G.Meng,Application of Parameterized Time-FrequencyAnalysis on Multicomponent Frequency Modulated Signals,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT,63 (2014), 3169-3180
[66] CM Cheng, ZK Peng*, XJ Dong, WM Zhang, G Meng, Locating non-linear components in two dimensional periodic structures based on NOFRFs, International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 67(2014), 198-208
[67] X.J Dong*, L Ye, Z.K Peng, H.X Hua, G. Meng.. Performance evaluation of vibration controller for piezoelectric smart structures in finite element environment. Journal of vibration and Control., 20 (2014), 2146-2161
[68] X.J Dong*, L Ye, Z.K Peng, H.X Hua, G. Meng. A study on controller structure interaction of piezoelectric smart structures based on finite element method. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures. 25 (2014), 1401-1413
[69] X.J Dong, Z.K Peng, W.M Zhang, G. Meng. Connection between Volterra Series and Perturbation Method in Nonlinear Systems Analysis. Acta Mechanica Sinica. 30 (2014), 600-606
[70] Y. Yang, Z. K. Peng*, X. J. Dong, W. M. Zhang, and G.Meng,General Parameterized Time-Frequency Transform, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING, 62,(2014) 2751-2764
[71] WM Zhang, H Yan, ZK Peng, G Meng, Electrostatic pull-in instability in MEMS/NEMS: A review, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 214(2014), 187-218
[72] Y Yang, ZK Peng*, WM Zhang, G Meng , Frequency-varying group delay estimation using frequency domain polynomial chirplet transform, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 46 (2014), 146-162
[73] Q.K Han, J.S Zhao, W.X Lu, Z.K Peng, F.L Chu*, Steady-state response of a geared rotor system with slant cracked shaft and time-varying mesh stiffness, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 19(2014) 1156–1174
[74] CM Cheng, ZK Peng*, WM Zhang, G Meng , Wavelet basis expansion-based Volterra kernel function identification through multilevel excitations, Nonlinear Dynamics 76 (2014), 985-999
[75] CM Cheng, XJ Dong, ZK Peng*, WM Zhang, G Meng, Wavelet basis expansion-based spatio-temporal Volterra kernels identification for nonlinear distributed parameter systems, Nonlinear Dynamics 78 (2014), 1179-1192
[76] X Dong, Z Peng, H Hua, G Meng , Modeling of the Through-the-Thickness Electric Potentials of a Piezoelectric Bimorph Using the Spectral Element Method, Sensors 14 (2014), 3477-3492
[77] KM Hu, WM Zhang, ZY Zhong, ZK Peng, G Meng , Effect of surface layer thickness on buckling and vibration of nonlocal nanowires, Physics Letters A 378 (2014), 650-654
[78] Liu, Y, Zhang, WM , Zhong, ZY, Peng, ZK, Meng, G, Nonlinear dynamic analysis of nano-resonator driven by optical gradient force, ACTA PHYSICA SINICA , 63(2014) 26201
[79] X.J Dong, Z.K Peng, W.M Zhang, H.X Hua and G Meng, An Efficient Spectral Element Model with Electric DOFs for the Static and Dynamic Analysis of a Piezoelectric Bimorph, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2014 (2014), Article ID 425317, 9 pages
[80] X.J Dong, Z.K Peng, W.M Zhang, H.X Hua and G Meng,, Research on Spillover Effects for Vibration Control of Piezoelectric Smart Structures by ANSYS, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2014 (2014), Article ID 870940 , 8 pages
[81] W.M. Zhang*, G. Meng, Z. K. Peng, Gaseous slip flow in micro-bearings with random rough surface, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 68(2013) 105-113
[82] Z.K. Peng, W.M. Zhang, B.T. Yang, G. Meng, F.L. Chu*, The parametric characteristic of bispectrum for nonlinear systems subjected to Gaussian input, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 36(2013) 456-470
[83] X.J. Dong*, Z.K. Peng, W.M. Zhang, G. Meng, F.L. Chu, Parametric characteristic of the random vibration response of nonlinear systems, Acta Mechanica Sinica/Lixue Xuebao, 29(2013) 267-283
[84] X.N Zhang , Q.K Han , Z.K Peng, F.L Chu*, Stability analysis of a rotor–bearing system with time-varying bearing stiffness due to finite number of balls and unbalanced force, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 332(2013)6768–6784
[85] 彭志科*, 孟光, 张文明, Volterra级数与摄动法的内在关系研究, 中国科学:物理学 力学 天文学, 第4期, 494-499页, 2013.
[86] 程长明, 彭志科*, 孟光, 基于NARMAX模型和NOFRF结构损伤检测的实验研究, 动力学与控制学报, 第11卷, 第1期, 89-96页, 2013.
[87] 邓杨, 彭志科*, 杨扬, 张文明, 孟光, 基于参数化时频分析的非线性振动系统参数辨识, 力学学报, 第45卷, 第6期, 992-996页, 2013.
[88] Z.K Peng, Z.Q Lang, G. Meng, S. A. Billings, Reducing force transmissibility in multiple degrees of freedom structures through anti-symmetric nonlinear viscous damping, Acta Mechanica Sinica, 28 (2012) 1436-1448
[89] Z.K. Peng, G. Meng, Z.Q Lang, W.M. Zhang, F.L. Chu, Study of the effects of cubic nonlinear damping on vibration isolations using Harmonic Balance Method, International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 47 (2012) 1073–1080
[90] Z.K Peng, W.M Zhang, Z.Q. Lang, G Meng, F.L. Chu, Time-Frequency Data Fusion Technique with Application to Vibration Signal Analysis, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 29 (2012) 164–173
[91] P.F Guo, Z.Q Lang, Z.K Peng, Analysis and design of the force and displacement transmissibility of nonlinear viscous damper based vibration isolation systems, Nonlinear Dynamics, 67(2012) 2671-2687
[92] Y Yang, Z.K Peng, G. Meng, W.M Zhang, A Novel Time Frequency Transform for the Analysis of Signals with Time-varying Frequency, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 59(2012) 1612-1621
[93] Y Yang, Z.K Peng, G. Meng, W.M Zhang, Characterize highly oscillating frequency modulation using generalized Warblet transform, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 26 (2012) 128-140
[94] W.M Zhang, G. Meng, Z.K Peng, Coupled Nonlinear Effects of Random Surface Roughness and Rarefaction on Slip Flow in Ultra-Thin Film Gas Bearing Lubrication, Journal of Tribology – Transactions of the ASME, 134(2012) 024502
[95] W.M Zhang, G. Meng, X.Y Wei, Z.K Peng, Effect of surface roughness on rarefied-gas heat transfer in microbearings, Physics Letters A, 376 (2012) 789-794
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[97] Z.K Peng, Z.Q Lang, L Zhao, S.A Billings, The force transmissibility of MDOF structures with a non-linear viscous damping device, International Journal of Non-linear Mechanics, 46(2012) 1305-1314
[98] Z. K. Peng, Z. Q. Lang, et al, Feasibility study of structural damage detection using NARMAX modelling and Nonlinear Output Frequency Response Function based analysis, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 25 (2011) 1045–1061
[99] Z.K. Peng, Z.Q. Lang, G. Meng and F.L. Chu, The effects of crack on the transmission matrix of rotor systems, Shock and Vibration, 18 (2011) 91–103
[100]Z. K. Peng, G. Meng, F. L. Chu, Improved wavelet reassigned scalograms and application for modal parameter estimation, Shock and Vibration, 18 (2011) 299–316
[101]Z. K. Peng, Z.Q Lang, G. Meng and F. L. Chu, On the Distribution of Nonlinear Effects in Locally Nonlinear One-Dimensional Chain Type Structures, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 53 (2011) 226–235
[102]Z.K Peng, G. Meng, Z.Q. Lang, F.L Chu, W.M Zhang, Polynomial Chirplet Transform with Application to Instantaneous Frequency Estimation, IEEE Transactions on Measurement and Instrumentation 60(2011) 3222-3229
[103]R.J Hao, Z.K Peng, Z.P Feng, F.L Chu, Application of support vector machine based on pattern spectrum entropy in fault diagnostics of rolling element bearings, Measurement Science and Technology, 22 (2011) 045708 (13pp)
[104]W.M Zhang, G. Meng, Z.K Peng, Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis of Atomic Force Microscopy Under Bounded Noise Parametric Excitation, IEEE/ASME TRANSACTIONS ON MECHATRONICS, 16 (2011) 1063-1072
[105]Z.K Peng, Z.Q Lang, Effects of anti-symmetric nonlinear viscous damping on the force transmissibility of MDOF structures, Theoretical & Applied Mechanics Letters, 1(2011) 063004
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[108]Z. K. Peng, Z. Q. Lang, X. J. Jing, and S. A. Billings, The Transmissibility of Vibration Isolators With a Nonlinear Anti-symmetric Damping Characteristic, ASME- Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 132(2010) 014501 (7 pages)
[109]Z.K Peng, Z.Q Lang, The Nonlinear Output Frequency Response Functions of One- Dimensional Chain Type Structures, ASME-Journal of Applied Mechanics, 77 (2010) 011007 (10 pages)
[110]Z. K. Peng, Z. Q. Lang, F. L. Chu and G. Meng, Locating Nonlinear Component in Periodic Structures Using the Nonlinear Effects, Structural Health Monitoring - An International Journal, 9 (2010) 401-411
[111]Z.K. Peng, M.R. Jackson, L.Z Guo, R.M. Parkin, G. Meng, Effects of bearing clearance on the chatter stability of milling process, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 11 (2010) 3577-3589
[112]W.M Zhang, G Meng, Z.K Peng, Random surface roughness effect on slider micro bearing lubrication, Micro&Nano Letters, 5(2010) 347-350
[113]ZK Peng, ZQ Lang, SA Billings, Analysis of Locally Nonlinear MDOF Systems Using Nonlinear Output Frequency Response Functions, ASME- Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 131(2009) 051007 (10 pages)
[114]Z. K Peng, Z.Q. Lang, C. Wolters, S.A. Billings, Feature Extraction for Damage Detection in Structures Based on Nonlinearity Analysis, Key Engineering Materials, 413-414 (2009) 627-634
[115]Z.K. Peng, M.R. Jackson, J.A. Rongong, F.L. Chu, R.M. Parkin, On the Energy Leakage of Discrete Wavelet Transform, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 23(2009) 330-343
[116]Z.Q. Lang, X.J. Jing, S.A. Billings, G.R. Tomlinson, Z.K. Peng,Theoretical study of the effects of nonlinear viscous damping on vibration isolation of sdof systems, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 323 (2009) 352-365
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[119]Z.K Peng, Z.Q Lang, S.A Billings, Nonlinear Parameter Estimation for Multi-Degree-of-Freedom Nonlinear Systems Using Nonlinear Output Frequency Response Functions, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 22 (2008) 1582-1594
[120]Z.K. Peng, Z.Q. Lang, F. L. Chu, On the Nonlinear Effects Introduced by Crack Using Nonlinear Output Frequency Response Functions. Computers & Structure, 86 (2008) 1809-1818
[121]Z.K Peng, Z.Q. Lang, S.A Billings, A Novel Method for Detecting the Nonlinear Components in Periodic Structures, Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 222 (2008) 903-910
[122]Z.K Peng, Z.Q Lang, The Effects of System Nonlinearity on the Output Frequency Response of a Nonlinear Passive Engine Mount, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 318(2008) 313-328
[123]Z.Q Lang, Z.K Peng, A Novel Approach for Nonlinearity Detection in Vibrating Systems, Journal of Sound and Vibration 314 (2008) 603-615
[124]Z.K. Peng, Z.Q Lang, S.A Billings and GR Tomlinson, Comparisons between Harmonic Balance and Nonlinear Output Frequency Response Function in Nonlinear System Analysis, Journal of Sound and Vibration 311 (2008) 56-73
[125]F L Chu, Z K Peng and Z Q Lang, An effective method for locating nonlinear components in periodic structures, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 96 (2008) 012016
[126]Z.K Peng, Z.Q Lang, S.A Billings, Linear Parameter Estimation for Multi-Degree-of -Freedom Nonlinear Systems Using Nonlinear Output Frequency Response Functions, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 21 (2007) 3108-3122
[127]Z.K Peng, Z.Q Lang, On the Convergence of the Volterra Series Representation of the Duffing’s Oscillators Subjected to Harmonic Excitations, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 305 (2007) 322-332
[128]Z.K Peng, Z.Q Lang, S.A Billings, Nonlinear Output Frequency Response Functions of MDOF Systems with Multiple Nonlinear Components, International Journal of Non-linear Mechanics, 42 (2007) 941-958
[129]Z.K Peng, Z.Q Lang, S.A Billings, Nonlinear Output Frequency Response Function under Harmonic Loadings and Its Application to Bilinear Oscillator Study, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 49 (2007) 1213-1225
[130]Z.K Peng, Z.Q Lang, S.A Billings, Resonances and resonant frequencies for a class of nonlinear systems. Journal of Sound and Vibration 300 (2007) 993-1014
[131]Z.K Peng, Z.Q Lang, S.A Billings, Crack detection using nonlinear output frequency response functions, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 301(2007) 777-788
[132]Z.K Peng, Z.Q Lang, S.A Billings, Nonlinear Output Frequency Response Functions for Multi-Input Nonlinear Volterra Systems, International Journal of Control, 80 (2007) 843-855
[133]Z.K Peng, Z.Q Lang, Detecting the Position of Nonlinear Component in Periodic Structures from the System Responses to Dual Sinusoidal Excitations. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics. 42 (2007) 1074-1083
[134]Z.K Peng, Z.Q Lang, The Relationship between Harmonic Balance Method and Nonlinear Output Frequency Response Function Approach, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 221 (2007) 1533-1543
[135]D. Guo, Z.K. Peng, Vibration analysis of a cracked rotor using Hilbert–Huang transform, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 21(2007) 3030-3041
[136]Z.K. Peng, F.L. Chu and Peter W. Tse, Singularity Analysis of the Vibration Signals Using Wavelet Modulus Maxima Method. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 21 (2007) 780-794
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[138]Z.K. Peng, Peter W. Tse and F.L. Chu, An Improved Hilbert - Huang Transform and Its Application for Vibration Signals Analysis. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 286 (2005) 187-205
[139]Z.K. Peng, Peter W. Tse and F.L. Chu, A Comparison Study of Improved Hilbert-Huang Transform and Wavelet Transform: Application to Fault Diagnosis for Rolling Bearing. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 19 (2005) 974-988
[140]Z. K. Peng, F. L. Chu and Peter W. Tse, Detection of the Rubbing Caused Impacts for Rotor - Stator Fault Diagnosis Using Reassigned Scalogram. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 19 (2005) 391-409
[141]Z. K. Peng, F. L. Chu, Application of the Wavelet Transform in Machine Condition Monitoring and Fault Diagnostics: A Review with Bibliography. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 18(2004) 199-221
[142]Z. Peng, Y. He, Q Lu and F. Chu, Feature Extraction of the Rub-Impact Rotor System by Means of Wavelet. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 259 (2003) 1000-1010.
[143]Z. Peng, Y. He, Q Lu and F. Chu, Wavelet Multifractal Approaches for Singularity Analysis of the Vibration Signals. Key Engineering Materials, 245(2003) 565-570
[144]Q Lu, Z. Peng, F. Chu and J Huang, Design of Fuzzy Controller for Smart Structures Using Genetic Algorithms. Smart Materials and Structures. 12(2003) 979-986
[145]Z. Peng, F. Chu and Y. He, Vibration Signal Analysis and Feature Extraction Based On Reassigned Wavelet Scalogram. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 253 (2002)1087-1100
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