2011- Current Chair Professor & Chief Scientist, School of Mechanical Engineering, SJTU
2002-2011 美国通用电气航空集团航空力学 首席工程师
2004-2006 美国通用电气-航空航天技术 Global Corlaboration Fan & HPC设计顾问
1999-2004 美国通用电气航空集团HBP Fan & HPC Aeromechnics Design Leader
1994-2002 美国通用电气飞机发动机 高级工程师
1984-1994 美国通用电气飞机发动机 航空力学工程师
1982-1984 美国俄亥俄州克利夫兰市NASA刘易斯研究中心 首席科学家
1979-1982 美国俄亥俄州立大学工程力学系 研究助理
Turbofan Aeromechanics & Engine Dynamics
Certification for Airworthiness
Aviation Propulsion System Integration
Digitalization, Intelligent Design and Life Management
2001-2003 美国辛辛那提大学航空航天工程学院 兼职教授
2012-至今 中南大学航空航天学院 兼职教授
课程名称:进入21世纪航空发动机的世界1 授课对象:硕士生 博士生 学时数:16 学分:1
课程名称:进入21世纪航空发动机的世界2 授课对象:硕士生 博士生 学时数:16 学分:1
Lectures and Workshop Given:
i) Gas Turbine Fundamental
ii) Genetic Engineering of HBP WCF
iii) Lighter Material HBP WCF Blade Design Fundamental
iv) Evolution of Aero Engine
v) Emerging Technologies and Challenges Ahead
vi) From the Top: Introduction of System Engineering
vii) Significance of Airworthy Certification
viii) Implicit Science – Engine Dynamics,Operability and Compatibility
ix) Inlet Compatibility of Installed Configuration at Complex Operating Environment
x) Multibody & Multimedia Engine Dynamics
xi) Multi-Disciplinary Coupling Syndrome and Outlier
xii)Applied Technologies of Aero Engine
xiii) I-4.0 and Big Data
ixv) Digitalization, and Intelligent Design & Manufacture
xv) Virtual Inverse Engineering
xvi) The Advanced BTT Technology
xvii) Advanced Life Management Technologies – PHM, CPS, and IMC
xviii) Probabilistic Design
ixx) Safety and Reliability of the Complex Aviation Propulsion System
xx) Variation and Standardization – The six-sigma Process
xxi) Virtual Reality Technology of Aviation Propulsion System
xxii) Professionalism vs. Dataism
I. Major Aeras
- HBP Fan Design & Certification
- Lighter Material HBP Fan Blade Design, Manufacture and Experimental Validation
- System Integration
II. University Collaboration
- Airworthy Infrastructure & Compliance Technology
III. Industry Collaboration
i) Genetic Engineering of Lighter Material HBP Fan
-From design, manufacture to Certification
ii) Engine and Aircraft Integration
-Installation & Inlet Compatibility
III. Cert Agency Collaboration
i) Reliability and Safety of Aviation Propulsion System
ii) Emerging Technology & Engine Safety
IV. Global Collaboration (Universities and Research Institutes)
-Unsteady Aerodynamics, Unsteady Aeroacoustics, and Unsteady Aeromechanics
V. R&D Projects in Progress:
i) From Genetic Engineering to System Integration
ii) Synthesis of Aviation Propulsion System – Compatibility & Operability
iii)PHM System & Intelligent Control & Fleet Management
iv)Implicit Science & Virtual Reality
v)Mutibody & Multimedia Engine Dynamics
Vi)Multi-Disciplinary Coupling Characteristics
From Big Data to Intelligent Manufacture by Jay Lee, Nee Jun & AJ Wang
Shanghai Jiao Tong University Press 2016
As Advisor and Co-Author
1. Substructure-based distributed collaborative probabilistic analysis method for low-cycle fatigue damage assessment of turbine blade-disk. Aerospace Science and Technology, [1] Gao H. F, et al.
2. Substructure-based approach for probabilistic analysis of turbine blade low-cycle fatigue damage using moving least squares. IEEE Transactions on Reliability. Gao H. F, et al.
3. Reliability assessment framework on fatigue performance for turbo-fan blades under vibrational aerodynamic load. 29th European Safety and Reliability Conference, Gao H. F, et al.
4. Dynamic reliability assessment framework for turbine blades subject to low-cycle fatigue damage with variable-amplitude thermo-structural interaction. Engineering Failure Analysis. Gao H. F, et al.
5. An integrated reliability approach with improved importance sampling for LCF damage prediction of turbine disks with hyper-parameter. Gao H. F, et al.
6. A novel numerical approach on reliability assessment for turbine blades under the coupling LCF and HCF. Gao H. F, et al.
7. Numerical Investigation on Aeroelastic Behavior of Composite Material Plate Excited by Pulsed Air Jet[J]. Journal of Thermal Science, 2018(4):1-9. Xie H, et al.
8. Experimental Investigation on a Single NACA Airfoil’s Nonlinear Aeroelasticity in the Wind Tunnel under Aerodynamic Excitation[J]. Fluid dynamics, 2018-07, Xie H, et al.
9. Numerical Investigation of Inlet Distortion for Different Rear Mounted Engine Installations at Taking-Off Conditions[C]// ASME Turbo Expo 2015: Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition. 2015:V001T01A009. Xie H, et al.
10. Numerical Investigation of Crosswind Effect on Different Rear Mounted Engine Installations[C]// ASME 2014 Gas Turbine India Conference. 2014:V001T01A006. Xie H, et al.
12. The analysis of composite blade/casing rub stability through delayed differential equations, Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2019. Xiao J., et al.
13. Investigation of fan blades vibration due to blade/casing rubbing interactions using in-plane two-dimensional model. Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2018: Xiao J., et al.
14. A general ply design for aero engine composite fan blade. Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2017. Xiao J., et al.
15. Numerical Investigation on Wide-Chord Fan Blade Forced Response due to Vortex Ingestion. ASME. Turbo Expo 2018: Power for Land, Sea, and Air, Volume 7C: Structures and Dynamics ():V07CT36A016. doi:10.1115/GT2018-76352. Wang Z, et al.
16. 钛合金宽弦风扇叶片的振动特性. 航空动力学报,2018,33(11):2593-3601. 王仲林,et al.
17. Inlet Compatibility and Fan Aeromechanics of HBP Turbofan Engine. ASME. Turbo Expo 2017: Power for Land, Sea, and Air, Volume 1: Aircraft Engine; Fans and Blowers; Marine; Honors and Awards ():V001T01A009. doi:10.1115/GT2017-63427. Wang Z, et al.
18. Stack Line Optimization Based on Vibration Characteristics of an Aero-engine Fan Blade. Journal of Aircraft. Wang Z, et al.
19. Investigation on the Dynamic Response of a Wide-Chord Fan Blade under Ground Vortex Ingestion. International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sciences. Wang Z, et al.
20. Investigation on Vibration Characteristics of Titanium Wide-Chord Fan Blade under Three-Axial Excitation. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. Wang Z, et al.
21. Dynamic thin-airfoil stall and leading-edge stall of oscillating wings at low Reynolds number 《Fluid dynamics》. Chengwei Fan, et al.
22. INVESTIGATION OF STALL FLUTTER OF FAN BLADES BY BLADE TIP-TIMING SYSTEM, , Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Unsteady Aerodynamics, Aeroacoustics & Aeroelasticity of Turbomachines ISUAAAT15 2018, University of Oxford, UK. Chengwei Fan, et al.
23. Analysis of blade tip timing data from fan blades with synchronous and non-synchronous vibration. 13th International Conference on Vibration Measurements by Laser and Noncontact Techniques AIVELA 2018, Ancona, Italy. Chengwei Fan, et al.
24. Nacelle, Air Intake Aerodynamic Design And Inlet Compatibility[C]// Asme Turbo Expo: Turbine Technical Conference & Exposition. 2015. Chen J, et al.
25. Numerical Investigation of Crosswind Effect on Different Rear Mounted Engine Installations[C]// Asme Gas Turbine India Conference. 2014. Chen J, et al.
26. 侧风条件下进气道流场及地面吸入涡特征研究,航空动力学报. 陈晶晶,等,
27. Detailed research on the characteristics of ground vortex under crosswind condition.(in process). Chen J, Wang A, et al.
28. Application of Proper Orthogonal Composition Method in Unsteady Flow Field Analysis of Axial Compressor.——Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2019: Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition. Zhang Kai, et al.
29. Flow Field Analysis of Axial Compressor Rotor Near Stall Condition.
——Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. Zhang Kai, et al.