








1988-1991南京航空航天大学 机械工程专业博士
1984-1987东南大学 机械工程专业硕士
1980-1984武汉理工大学 机械工程专业学士


1987-1988 哈尔滨工业大学 机械工程系 助教
1991-2003 中国科学院沈阳自动化研究所 助理研究员(1991-1993)、副研究员(1993-1996)、研究室主任、研究员(1996-2003)
2004-2016 东北大学 流程工业综合自动化国家重点实验室 副主任、教授
2017-目前 bat365在线中国官网登录入口 机械工程学院 教授




入选法国政府“国际著名及高级外国专家计划”(Le Programme d'Accueil de Chercheurs Etrangers de Haut Niveau et de Renommée Internationale, Le Ministère de la Recherche, France)、新世纪百千万人才工程国家级人选,获得国务院政府特殊津贴。
曾经担任国际自控联制造建模管理与控制委员会委员( IFAC Technical Committee on Manufacturing Modelling,Management and Control)、两届国家高技术发展(863)计划主题专家、两届中国机械工程学会理事会理事;曾经被聘为中国科学院研究生院教授、中国科学技术大学兼职教授、中国科学院院士工作局陈嘉庚科学奖推荐及同行评审专家、西安交通大学机械制造系统工程国家重点实验室学术委员会委员、内蒙古第一机械集团公司院士工作站专家、国家科技奖励评审专家及中央军委科技委某科技计划论证专家组成员等。


近期完成的航空技术相关项目包括“航空发动机盘类零部件参数化设计系统”、“航空发动机叶片集成气动设计系统”、“某型号飞机飞行载荷设计分析系统”、“航空发动机数字化装配系统”、“飞机数字化装配规划与管理”、“航空发动机轴对称零部件热固耦合分析系统”、“航空发动机涡轮系统热固耦合机理模型研究”、 以及“航空发动机整机热固耦合分析系统”等。

1. 航空发动机冷却结构多学科设计技术,军工预研项目,项目时间2017-2020
2. 航空发动机内冷涡轮叶片参数化建模,中航发某研究所委托,时间2018-2020
3. 涡轮叶片冷却过程中多物理场耦合分析,中航发某研究所委托,时间2018-2020
4. 复杂装备结构设计及动力学分析,军工项目,2019.12-2023.12
5. 3D打印/成形连接集成整体部件多约束优化设计技术研究,中航601所,2019.12-2020.12
6. 有限元结构网格剖分技术研究,中国飞机强度研究所,2019.12-2020.12
7. 复杂装备表面晶体测温技术,军工科研项目,2021.1-2023.6


1) Chengen Wang, A multidisciplinary design and analysis environment and its application to aircraft flight dynamics analysis. Journal of Industrial Information Integration, vol. 1, 14-19, March 2016.
2) Chengen Wang, DataView: a Computational Visualization System for Multidisciplinary Design and Analysis. Enterprise Information Systems, 10(1), 33-49, 2016.
3) Qiang Liu, Chengen Wang, A Graph-based Pipe Routing Algorithm in Aero-engine Rotational Space. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 26(6), 1077-1083, 2015.
4) Chengen Wang, Zhuming Bi, Lida Xu, IoT and Cloud Computing in Automation of Assembly Modeling Systems, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 10(2), 1426-1434, 2014. DOI 10.1109/TII.2014.2300346.
5) Zhuming Bi, Lida Xu, and Chengen Wang, Internet of Things for Enterprise Information Systems of Modern Manufacturing, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 10(2), 1537-1546, 2014. DOI 10.1109/TII.2014.2300338.
6) Lida Xu, Chengen Wang, Zhuming Bi, Yu Jiapeng, Object-Oriented Templates for Automated Assembly Planning of Complex Products. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 11(2), 492 - 503,2014. DOI 10.1109/TASE.2012.2232652
7) Chengen Wang, Insights from Developing an MDO Environment for Complex Engineering Systems. Computers in Industry, 65 (4), 786–795, 2014. doi 10.1016/j.compind.2014.02.015
8) Chengen Wang, Integrated Aerodynamic Design and Analysis of Turbine Blades, Advances in Engineering Software, 68, 9-18, 2014.
9) Yu Jiapeng; Xu Lida; Bi Zhuming; Chengen Wang, Extended Interference Matrices for Exploded Views of Assembly Planning. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 11(1), 279 - 286, 2014.
10) Yu Jiapeng, Chengen Wang,Method for discriminating geometric feasibility in assembly planning based on extended and turning interference matrix. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 67 (5-8), 1867-1882,2013.
11) Yu Jiapeng,Chengen Wang, A max-min ant colony system for assembly sequence planning. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 67 (9-12), 2819-2835, 2013.
12) LiDa Xu; Chengen Wang; Zhuming Bi; Jiapeng Yu, AutoAssem: An Automated Assembly Planning System for Complex Products. IEEE Transactions On Industrial Informatics, 8(3), 669-678, 2012.
13) Chengen Wang, Advances in information integration infrastructures supporting multidisciplinary design optimization. Enterprise Information Systems, 6(3 ), 265-265, 2012.
14) Qiang Liu; Chengen Wang, Multi-terminal pipe routing by Steiner minimal tree and particle swarm optimization. Enterprise Information Systems, 6(3), 315-327, 2012.
15) Zhangjun Huang, Chengen Wang, Optimal Design of aeroengine turbine disc based on Kriging surrogate models. Computers and Structures, 89(1-2), 27-37, 2011.
16) Qiang Liu, Chengen Wang, A discrete particle swarm optimization algorithm for rectilinear branch pipe routing. Assembly Automation, 31(4), 363-368, 2011.
17) Chengen Wang, Qiang Liu, Projection and Geodesic based Pipe Routing Algorithm. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 8(3) 641-645, 2011.
18) Chengen Wang, Yu Hong, Zhang Wenlei. Object-oriented Models for Aero-engine Assembly. International Journal of Internet Manufacturing and Services, 2( 3/4), 354-364, 2010.
19) Qiang Liu, Chengen Wang, Pipe-assembly approach for aeroengines by modified particle swarm optimization. Assembly Automation, 30(4), 365-377, 2010.
20) Wuliang Peng, Chengen Wang, A multi-mode resource-constrained discrete time-cost tradeoff problem and its genetic algorithm based solution. International Journal of Project Management, 27(6), 600-609, 2009.
21) Jiapeng Yu, Chengen Wang, et al., Generation of Optimized Assembly Sequences Based on Priority Rules Screening. Applied Mechanics and Materials. 2009,16-19:130-134.
22) Guoqi Feng, Dongliang Cui, Chengen Wang, et al.,Integrated data management in complex product collaborative design. Computers in Industry, 60(1), 48-63, 2009.
23) Zhangjun Huang, Chengen Wangand Mingxu Ma, A Robust Archived Differential Evolution Algorithm for Global Optimization Problems. Journal of Computers, 4(2), 160-167, 2009.
24) Tao Ren; Chengen Wang; Luo Xiaochuan; Jing Yuanwei; Dimirovski Georgi M, Robust controller design for ATM network with time-varying multiple time-delays. International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, 5(8), 2341-2349, 2009.
25) Chengen Wang, Xu Lida, Parameter mapping and data transformation for engineering application integration. Information Systems Frontiers, 10(5), 589-600, 2008.
26) Chengen Wang, Lida Xu, Wuliang Peng, Conceptual Design of Remote Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis Systems, Information System, 32 (7), 996–1004, 2007.
27) Qilin Shu and Chengen Wang, A conceptual framework for product lifecycle modeling. Enterprise Information System, 1(3), 353–363, 2007.
28) Xiao Liu; Feng Chu; Chengbin Chu; Chengen Wang, Lot Sizing with Bounded Inventory and Lost Sales. International Journal of Production Research, 45(24): 5881-5894, 2007.
29) Lida Xu, Chengen Wang, et al., Integrating Knowledge Management and ERP in Enterprise Information Systems, Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 23(2), 147-156, 2006.
30) Xiaochuan Luo, Chengbin Chu, Chengen Wang, Some dominance properties for single-machine tardiness problems with sequence-dependent setup, International Journal of Production Research, 44(17), 3367-3378, 2006.
31) Guoqi Feng, Chengen Wang, Haiyue Li, Web Services Based Cross-Organizational Business Process Management. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 3399, pp. 548-559, 2005, Springer-Verlag GmbH.
32) Chengen Wang, Lida Xu, Xuwei Qin, ERP research, developments and implementations in China: an overview. International Journal of Production Research, 43(18), 3915–3932, 2005.
33) Chengen Wang, Yu Zhang, et al., An integration architecture for process manufacturing systems, International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 15(5), 413-426, 2002.
34) Chengen Wang, Chengbin Chu, Caowan Yin. Implementation of Remote Robot Manufacturing over Internet. Computers in Industry, 45(3), 215-229, 2001.
35) Chengbin Chu, Jean-Marie Proth and Chengen Wang, Improving job-shop schedules through critical pairwise exchanges. International Journal of Production Research, 36(3), 683-694, 1998.
36) Chengen Wang, Chengbin Chu and Jean-Marie Proth, Heuristic Approaches for n/m/F/SCi Scheduling Problems. European Journal of Operation Research, 96(3), 636-644, 1997.
37) Chengen Wang, Chengbin Chu and Jean-Marie Proth, Efficient Heuristic and Optimal Approaches for n/2/F/Ci Scheduling Problems. International Journal of Production Economics, 4(3), 225-237, 1996.
38) Jingsong Xue, Chengen Wangand Mu R., Progress in the Journey Developing SB-CIMS. International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 7(4), 242-248, 1994.
39) Chengen Wang, Jianying Zhu and Zhongxin Wei, An Expert System for FMS Control. International Journal of Intelligent Systems Engineering, 2(4), 223-230, 1993.