2010.09-2015.07 清华大学 能源与动力工程系 工学博士
2006.09-2010.07 清华大学 能源与动力工程系 工学学士
2025.01-至今 bat365在线中国官网登录入口 长聘副教授
2021.01-2024.12 bat365在线中国官网登录入口 长聘教轨副教授
2018.07-2020.12 bat365在线中国官网登录入口 助理教授
2015.11-2018.06 匹兹堡大学 博士后
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Propulsion and Energy,青年编委
Reviewer (2023-present), Energy Conversion and Management
Reviewer (2022-present), Physics of Fluid
Reviewer (2022-present), Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
Reviewer (2018-present), ASME J. Heat Trans.
Reviewer (2017-present), Journal of Applied Thermal Engineering
Reviewer (2017-present), International Journal of Mechanical Sciences
Reviewer (2017-present), International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
Reviewer (2014-present), ASME J. Thermal Sci. Eng. Appl.
Reviewer (2014-present), International Journal of Thermal Sciences
Reviewer (2013-present), Fluid Dynamics and Material Processing
《工程学导论》,本科生,3学分, 48学时
1. 涡轮叶片冷却结构的自组织拓扑调控及流动传热机理研究, 国家自然科学基金委员会面上项目, 2024-2027, 主持
2. 基于增材制造和机器学习的非规则发散冷却的传热机制和建模方法研究, 国家自然科学基金委员会青年科学基金项目, 2020-2022, 主持
3. 先进冷却技术与燃气轮机性能中德合作研究小组, 国家自然科学基金委员会国际(地区)合作与交流项目, 2020-2023, 主参排2
4. 涡轮叶片肋壁-气膜耦合流动换热特性研究, 国家重点实验室开放基金, 2021-2022, 主持
5. 涡轮相关机理研究, 基础加强计划, 2023-2026, 主参排2
6. 涡轮叶片相关设计平台研究, T01项目, 2024-2025, 交大负责
7. 换热结构相关拓扑优化研究, 稳定支持, 2024-2025, 交大负责
8. 涡轮叶片相关创成式方法研究, LJ专项, 2023-2024, 交大负责
9. 基于可编程自组织几何体的高效散热机制研究, 上海市科学技术委员会自然科学基金, 2022-2025, 主持
10. 基于增材制造的航空发动机热端部件非规则发散冷却机理研究和性能优化, 上海市科学技术委员会青年科技英才扬帆计划, 2019-2022, 主持
11. 燃烧室相关研究, 中国航空发动机研究院, 2023-2023, 主持
12. 失控井周温度场机理研究,中国石油集团井控应急救援响应中心, 2023-2023, 主持
13. 涡轮叶片相关优化方法研究, 解放军某部队, 2021-2022, 主持
14. 涡轮叶片相关流热机理研究, 中国航发沈阳发动机研究所,2020-2020, 主参排2
15. 船舶仿真分布式信息代理模型, 南京天洑软件有限公司, 2020-2021, 主持
16. 电机线圈端部快速仿真代理模型, 华为技术有限公司, 2019-2020, 主持
17. 2017-2018, 美国能源部项目-大学涡轮系统研究,Integrated Transpiration and Lattice Cooling Systems Developed by Additive Manufacturing with Oxide-Dispersion Strengthened Alloys, (DE- FE0031277),
18. 2015-2018, 美国能源部项目-大学涡轮系统研究,Design, Fabrication and Performance Characterization of Near-Surface Embedded Cooling Channels with an Oxide Dispersion Strengthened (ODS) Coating Layer, (DE- FE0025793)
Lead author/Corresponding author publications:
1. Kaibin Hu, Shenquan Zhong, Zhiyuan Tan, Li Yang*, Yu Rao. "Topologic-thermal Synergism Analysis for Wedge-shaped Channels Leveraging Data Mining and Self-organization Geometries." Applied Thermal Engineering 257 (2024):124289.
2. Shengquan Zhong, Jingnan Li, Kaibin Hu, Xiaobo Wang, Li Yang*. "Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Heat Sinks Constructed by Anisotropic 3-D Turing Patterns." International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 233 (2024):126024.
3. Kaibin Hu, Xiaobo Wang, Shengquan Zhong, Cheng Lu, Bocheng Yu, Li Yang*, Yu Rao. "Optimization of Turbine Blade Trailing Edge Cooling Using Self-Organized Geometries and Multi-Objective Approaches." Energy 289 (2024):130013.
4. Qi Wang, Jian Lou, Yang Li, Li Yang*. "Meta-Fourier Neural Operators for Multi-Task Modeling of Film Cooling in Gas Turbine Endwalls." Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 131 (2024):107858.
5. Hongqian Yu, Jian Lou, Han Liu, Zhiwei Chu, Qi Wang, Li Yang, Yu Rao. "A transfer learning method to assimilate numerical data with experimental data for effusion cooling." Applied Thermal Engineering. 224(2023):120075.
6. Yu, Bocheng, Zijie Lu, Binyan Wang, Xinxing Wang, Jian Lou, Li Yang, and Weihong Li. "A Bioinspired Programmable Self-Organization Approach for Designing Additively Manufactured Heat Sinks." Energy Conversion and Management 286 (2023).
7. Wang, Qi, Yang Li, Jian Lou, Li Yang. "A Decision-Making Design Approach to Optimize the Hole Arrangement of Effusion Cooling Plates under Non-Uniform Heat Load Conditions." Applied Thermal Engineering 235 (2023).
8. Li, Jingnan, Li Yang. "Recent Development of Heat Sink and Related Design Methods." Energies 16, no. 20 (2023).
9. Hu, Kaibin, Cheng Lu, Bocheng Yu, Li Yang, Yu Rao. "Optimization of Bionic Heat Sinks with Self-Organized Structures Inspired by Termite Nest Morphologies." International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 202 (2023).
10. Wang Qi, Yang Li, Huang Kang. “Fast prediction and sensitivity analysis of gas turbine cooling performance using supervised learning approaches.” Energy. 246(2022):123373.
11. Wang Qi, Zhou Weiwei, Yang Li, Huang Kang. “Comparison between conventional and deep learning-based surrogate models in predicting convective heat transfer performance of U-bend channels.” Energy and AI. 8(2022):100140.
12. Li Yang, Qi Wang, and Yu Rao. "An Iterative Neural Operator to Predict the Thermo-Fluid Information in Internal Cooling Channels." Journal of Turbomachinery 144, no. 12 (2022).
13. Li Yang, Wei Dai, Yu Rao, Minking K. Chyu. "A machine learning approach to quantify the film cooling superposition effect for effusion cooling structures." International Journal of Thermal Sciences 162 (2021): 106774.
14. Li Yang, Qi Wang, Yu Rao. "Searching for irregular pin-fin shapes for high temperature applications using deep learning methods." International Journal of Thermal Sciences 161 (2021): 106746.
15. Qi Wang, Li Yang*, Yu Rao. "Establishment of a generalizable model on a small-scale dataset to predict the surface pressure distribution of gas turbine blades." Energy 214 (2021): 118878.
16. Li Yang, Qi Wang, Kang Huang, Yu Rao. "Establishment of a long-short-term-memory model to predict film cooling effectiveness under superposition conditions." International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 160 (2020): 120231.
17. Parbat, Sarwesh, Zheng Min, Li Yang, Minking Chyu. "Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Additively Manufactured Inconel 718 Coupons with Lattice Structure." Journal of Turbomachinery 142, no. 6 (2020).
18. Li Yang, Wei Dai, Yu Rao, Minking K. Chyu. "Optimization of the hole distribution of an effusively cooled surface facing non-uniform incoming temperature using deep learning approaches." International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 145 (2019): 118749.
19. Li Yang, Zheng Min, Tianwei Yue, Yu Rao, Minking K. Chyu. "High resolution cooling effectiveness reconstruction of transpiration cooling using convolution modeling method." International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 133 (2019): 1134-1144.
20. Sarwesh Narayan Parbat, Li Yang*, Zheng Min, Minking K. Chyu. "Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Additively Manufactured Coupons with Parallel Channels and Inline Wall Jets." Journal of Turbomachinery 141.6 (2019).
21. Zheng Min, Gan Huang, S.N. Parbat, Li Yang*, Minking K. Chyu. "Experimental investigation on additively manufactured transpiration and film cooling structures." Journal of Turbomachinery 141.3 (2019).
22. Wandong Bai, Wei Chen, Li Yang*, Minking K. Chyu. "Numerical investigation on heat transfer and pressure drop of pin-fin array under the influence of rib turbulators induced vortices." International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 129 (2019): 735-745.
23. Li Yang, Wei Chen, Minking K. Chyu. "A convolution modeling method for pore plugging impact on transpiration cooling configurations perforated by straight holes." International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 126 (2018): 1057-1066.
24. Li Yang, Prashant Singh, Kartikeya Tyagi, Jaideep Pandit, Srinath V. Ekkad, Jing Ren. "Experimental Investigation of Rotational Effects on Heat Transfer Enhancement Due to Crossflow-Induced Swirl Using Transient Liquid Crystal Thermography." Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications 10.3 (2018).
25. Chen, Wei, Zenan Yang, Li Yang, and Minking K. Chyu. "Numerical Investigation of Heat Transfer and Flow Characteristics of Supercritical Co2 in U-Duct." Applied Thermal Engineering 144 (2018): 532-39.
26. Zheng Min, Sarwesh Narayan Parbat, Li Yang, Minking K. Chyu. "Fabrication and Characterization of Additive Manufactured Nickel-Based Oxide Dispersion Strengthened Coating Layer for High-Temperature Application." Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 140.6 (2018).
27. Li Yang, Sarwesh Narayan Parbat, Zheng Min, Minking K. Chyu. "Effect of topology on hybrid-linked jet impingement." International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 108 (2017): 671-679.
28. Li Yang, Zheng Min, Sarwesh Narayan Parbat, Minking K. Chyu. "Numerical optimizations of hybrid-linked jet impingement heat transfer based on the genetic algorithm." Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications 70.11 (2016): 1179-1194.
29. Li Yang, Zheng Min, Sarwesh Narayan Parbat, Minking K. Chyu. "Numerical investigation on hybrid-linked jet impingement heat transfer based on the response surface methodology." Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications 70.12 (2016): 1297-1312.
30. Li Yang, Phillips Ligrani, Jing Ren, Hongde Jiang. "Unsteady structure and development of a row of impingement jets, including Kelvin–Helmholtz vortex development." Journal of Fluids Engineering 137.5 (2015).
31. Li Yang, Yuzhe Li, Phillips Ligrani, Jig Ren, Hongde Jiang. "Unsteady heat transfer and flow structure of a row of laminar impingement jets, including vortex development." International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 88 (2015): 149-164.
Co-author publications:
1. Rao, Yu, Yuan Li, Yuyang Liu, and Li Yang. "Experimental and Numerical Studies on Enhanced Effusion Cooling with Shallowly Dimpled Film Holes on Double-Wall Structure Surface." International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 101 (2023).
1. Yeranee, Kirttayoth, Yu Rao, Li Yang, and Hao Li. "Improved Thermal Performance of a Serpentine Cooling Channel by Topology Optimization Infilled with Triply Periodic Minimal Surfaces." Energies 15, no. 23 (2022).
2. Yeranee, Kirttayoth, Yu Rao, Li Yang, and Hao Li. "Enhanced Thermal Performance of a Pin-Fin Cooling Channel for Gas Turbine Blade by Density-Based Topology Optimization." International Journal of Thermal Sciences 181 (2022).
3. Liu, Yuyang, Yu Rao, Li Yang, Yamin Xu, Alexandros Terzis. "Flow and Heat Transfer Characteristics of Double-Wall Cooling with Multi-Row Short Film Cooling Hole Arrangements." International Journal of Thermal Sciences 165 (2021).
4. Luo, Jiahao, Yu Rao, Li Yang, Mingyang Yang, Hang Su. "Computational Analysis of Turbulent Flow and Heat Transfer in Latticework Cooling Structures under Various Flow Configurations." International Journal of Thermal Sciences 164 (2021).
5. Liu, Yuyang, Yu Rao, Li Yang. "Numerical Simulations of a Double-Wall Cooling with Internal Jet Impingement and External Hexagonal Arrangement of Film Cooling Holes." International Journal of Thermal Sciences 153 (2020).
6. Gan Huang, Zheng Min, Li Yang, Pei-Xue Jiang, Minking K Chyu. "Transpiration cooling for additive manufactured porous plates with partition walls." International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 124 (2018): 1076-1087.
1. 汪奇,杨力,饶宇.深度学习方法在涡轮冷却中的应用综述[J].工程热物理学报,2022,43(03):656-662.
2. 周炜玮,汪奇,杨力等.物理启发的深度学习模型及其在热端部件散热中的应用[J].推进技术,2022,43(10):265-273.
3. 周炜玮;汪奇;杨力;黄康. "物理启发的深度学习模型及其在热端部件散热中的应用." 推进技术 43.10(2022):265-273.
4. 罗稼昊,饶宇,杨力.不同流动配置下涡轮叶片交错肋冷却流动传热特性数值模拟[J].推进技术,2021,42(12):2789-2798.
5. 戴维, 杨力,and 饶宇."基于生成对抗网络的涡轮端壁气膜冷却建模方法." 工程热物理学报 41.10(2020):2420-2424.
1. 一种基于扩散反扩散系统的自组织热沉结构设计方法
2. 基于图像深度学习的气膜冷却预测及交互设计平台
1. 2024年bat365在线中国官网登录入口人工智能优秀教学应用案例
2. 2023年第五届全国结冰与防除冰学术会议优秀报告
3. 2022年四川航天先进制造技术交论研讨会优秀论文一等奖
4. 2021年bat365在线中国官网登录入口首批优秀基层教学组织
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