








2009-2013    中国科学技术大学    核技术与工程     学士
2013-2017    俄亥俄州立大学       核工程                博士


2021.01—                     bat365在线中国官网登录入口         长聘教轨副教授
2017.12—2020.12        bat365在线中国官网登录入口         助理教授
2017.06—2017.12        俄亥俄州立大学      博士后





上海市能源研究会核能专委会 委员







Chapter 4 Safeguards for Pyroprocessing
Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing and Waste Management,  ISBN 9789813271364

[25] Wang, Yafei, Hao Wu, Wentao Zhou, and Shaoqiang Guo. "Thermodynamics of corrosion products in molten nitrate salts." Journal of Nuclear Materials 587 (2023): 154713.
[24] Xu, Xiaorui, Tianxing Shi, Yuncong Ding, Xinyu Zhang, Jia Song, Hong Zhang, Yafei Wang, Wentao Zhou, and Shaoqiang Guo. "Effects of F-on the electrochemical properties and electrodeposition nucleation mechanism of Ce (III) in LiCl-KCl melts." Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 945 (2023): 117677.
[23] Yang, Hui, Xin-Yu Zhang, Wei-Guo Gu, Bing Dong, Xue-Zhi Jiang, Wen-Tao Zhou, and De-Zhong Wang. "A novel method for gamma spectrum analysis of low-level and intermediate-level radioactive waste." Nuclear Science and Techniques 34, no. 6 (2023): 87.
[22] Yang, Hui, Xinyu Zhang, Weiguo Gu, Guangyuan Huang, Wentao Zhou, and Dezhong Wang. "Research on the CdZnTe γ spectrum analysis based on an intelligent dynamic library." Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 332, no. 6 (2023): 1847-1867.
[21] Yang, Hui, Weiguo Gu, Xinyu Zhang, Kaiyi Zhang, Wentao Zhou, and Dezhong Wang. "Research on the γ spectrum-unfolding method of low-and intermediate-level radioactive waste based on LaBr3 (Ce) detector." Radiation Physics and Chemistry 207 (2023): 110841.
[20] Zhang, Hong, Qian Du, Xin Du, Zhanglian Xu, Shaoqiang Guo, and Wentao Zhou. "Selective extraction of Sm from LiCl-KCl molten salt into wasteforms via liquid bismuth." Separation and Purification Technology 313 (2023): 123441.
[19] Zhang, Xinyu, Hui Yang, Yuncong Ding, Bing Dong, Yuchen Song, Wentao Zhou, and Dezhong Wang. "PLIF experiment and verification of boron mixed diffusion model driven by turbulence in nuclear reactor." Annals of Nuclear Energy 184 (2023): 109682.
[18] Yang, Hui, Bing Dong, Weiguo Gu, Siyuan Wu, Wentao Zhou, Xinyu Zhang, and Dezhong Wang. "Transmission reconstruction algorithm by combining maximum-likelihood expectation maximization and a convolutional neural network for radioactive drum characterization." Applied Radiation and Isotopes 184 (2022): 110172.
[17] Nie, Baojie, Siyuan Wu, Derui Yang, Deyi Chen, Weiguo Gu, Wentao Zhou, Junlian Yin, and Dezhong Wang. "Quantitative prediction of dynamic HTO migration behavior in the soil and non-negligible evapotranspiration effect." Journal of Hazardous Materials 425 (2022): 127772.
[16] Yang, Yang, Jianhui Lan, Bo Liang, Di Wang, Liman Chen, Meng Zhang, Caishan Jiao et al. "Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Metal Electrode/Molten LiCl-KCl-UCl3 Mixtures Interface." Journal of The Electrochemical Society 169, no. 3 (2022): 032503.
[15] Dong, B., Li, L., Li, C., Zhou, W., Yin, J., & Wang, D, “Review on models to evaluate coolant activity under fuel defect condition in PWR”. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 124, 223-233, 2019
[14] Zhou, Wentao, Jinsuo Zhang, and Yafei Wang. "Modeling Electrochemical Processing for Applications in Pyroprocessing." Journal of The Electrochemical Society165.13, E712-E724, 2018
[13] Zhou, W., Wang, Y., Zhang, J., & Khafizov, M, “Calculated thermodynamic properties of GdCl3 in LiCl-KCl eutectic molten salt”, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 508, 40-50, 2018
[12] Guo, S., Zhang, J., Wu, W., & Zhou, W., “Corrosion in the molten fluoride and chloride salts and materials development for nuclear applications”. Progress in Materials Science, 97, 448-487, 2018
[11] Y Wang, W Zhou, S Guo, J Zhang, "Concentration-dependent activity coefficients of lanthanides in liquid bismuth for the FHR primary coolant cleanup", Annals of Nuclear Energy 113, 89-95, 2018
[10] W Zhou, Y Wang, J Zhang, "Integrated model development for safeguarding pyroprocessing facility: Part I-model development and validation", Annals of Nuclear Energy 112, 603-614, 2018
[9] W Zhou, Y Wang, J Zhang, "Integrated model development for safeguarding pyroprocessing facility: Part II–Case studies and model integration", Annals of Nuclear Energy 112, 48-61, 2018
[8] Y Wang, W Zhou, S Guo, J Zhang, "Thermodynamic properties of fission products (Pr, Ce, Er) in liquid bismuth by thermodynamic assessment", Journal of Nuclear Materials 495, 181-191, 2017
[7] S Guo, N Shay, Y Wang, W Zhou, J Zhang, "Measurement of europium (III)/europium (II) couple in fluoride molten salt for redox control in a molten salt reactor concept", Journal of Nuclear Materials 496, 197-206, 2017
[6] W Cohen, W Zhou, E Wu, J Zhang, "Molten fluoride salt and liquid metal multistage extraction model", Progress in Nuclear Energy 97, 214-219, 2017
[5] W Zhou, J Zhang, "Thermodynamic evaluation of LiCl-KCl-PuCl3 system", Journal of Alloys and Compounds 695, 2306-2313, 2017
[4] Y Wang, W Zhou, J Zhang, "Investigation of concentration-dependence of thermodynamic properties of lanthanum, yttrium, scandium and terbium in eutectic LiCl-KCl molten salt", Journal of Nuclear Materials 478, 61-73, 2016
[3] W Zhou, J Zhang, "Chemical diffusion coefficient calculation of U 3+ in LiCl-KCl molten salt", Progress in Nuclear Energy 91, 170-174, 2016
[2] J Zhang, EA Lahti, W Zhou, "Thermodynamic properties of actinides and rare earth fission products in liquid cadmium", Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 303 (3), 1637-1648 4, 2015
[1] W Zhou, J Zhang, "Direct calculation of concentration-dependent activity coefficient of UCl3 in molten LiCl-KCl", Journal of The Electrochemical Society 162 (10), E199-E204, 2015

[5] 赵干,许晓锐,周文涛,王亚飞,王德忠.基于相场方法的铀枝晶生长电化学-流场耦合研究[J/OL].无机盐工业,2023,1-12
[4] 董亦卓,李泓儒,孙科,尹俊连,周文涛,王德忠.微纳米气泡去除高放射性废液中的金属离子研究[J].无机盐工业,2023,55(07):81-88
[3] 谭勇,张亮,彭俊,张王超,周文涛,瞿婷,徐刚,王岳.秦山核电厂设冷水大厅安全级与非安全级物项地震交互作用影响研究[J].核动力工程,2022,43(S1):80-85
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[6] Zhang, Xinyu, Bing Dong, Hui Yang, Wentao Zhou, and Dezhong Wang. "Simulation and Experimental Verification of Boron Diffusion and Mixing in T-Tube Flow." In International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, vol. 86397, p. V005T05A038. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2022.
[5] Zhou, Wentao, Jinsuo Zhang, Marat Khafizov, Weiguo Gu, “The Safeguardability Analysis of the Pyroprocessing Facility”, 2018 ANS Winter Meeting, Orlando, FL, USA, Nov 12-15, 2018
[4] Zhou, Wentao, Evan Wu, Jinsuo Zhang, “Thermodynamic Properties of Nd(II) and Nd(III) in Eutectic LiCl-KCl Molten Salt” 2018 ANS Winter Meeting, Orlando, FL, USA, Nov 12-15, 2018
[3] Zhou, Wentao, and Jinsuo Zhang.“Integrated model development for safeguarding pyroprocessing facility". MAPCT/MRWFD working Group Meeting, Albuquerque, NM, USA, March 28-31, 2017
[2] Zhou, Wentao, and Jinsuo Zhang. "Multi-Component Deposition Model". 39th Annual Actinide Separations Conference, Salt Lake City, UT, USA. May 18-21, 2015
[1] Zhou, Wentao, and Jinsuo Zhang. "Thermodynamic Properties of UCl3 in Molten
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[11] 连续多级区域结晶控制装置
[10] 基于深度学习的放射性废物桶密度重建方法及系统
[9] 基于遗传算法的熔盐电解精炼重叠峰分离方法及系统
[8] 透射源贮存调节装置
[7] 燃料棒束两相流动流固耦合试验回路
[6] 一种适用于核电设备抗震安全性检验的倾倒交互试验台
[5] 一种适用于核电设备抗震安全性检验的跌落交互试验台
[4] 低水平放射性废物桶分段伽马扫描装置
[3] 适用于低中水平放射性废物桶的自动抓取装置
[2] 一种低中水平放射性废物桶表面剂量率检测装置及其应用
[1] 一种闪烁体面阵列伽马射线废物桶扫描设备及其使用方法

[8] 新型HPGeγ能谱分析方法及系统
[7] 适用于闪烁探测器的低中放固废γ能谱解析方法及系统
[6] 适用于乏燃料后处理中的阳极篮装置
[5] 适用于电解装置中的熔盐输运装置及方法
[4] 流动的区域结晶控制装置
[3] 熔盐均匀加热装置
[2] 适用于低中放固废桶的超分辨率三维图像快速反演方法及系统
[1] 磷酸三钠溶解速率实验系统

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2016年 俄亥俄州立大学优秀科研奖