(1) Xiaojun Zhou, Wenxin Mao. Maintenance modeling for hot rolling production lines with constraint of auxiliary resources. Computers and Industrial Engineering. 2024, 188: 109938.
(2) Xiaojun Zhou, Changsheng Xiao. Maintenance modeling for multi-station remanufacturing systems with interaction between production schedule and station reliability. CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, 2024, 50: 113-126.
(3) Xiaojun Zhou, Xurui Ben. Maintenance modeling for work rolls in hot finishing mill group with constraint of thermal character. International Journal of Production Research. 2024, 62(5): 1846–1861.
(4) Mixin Zhu, Xiaojun Zhou. Hybrid opportunistic maintenance policy for serial-parallel multi-station manufacturing systems with spare part overlap. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 2023, 236: 109304.
(5) Mixin Zhu, Xiaojun Zhou. Hierarchical-clustering-based joint optimization of spare part provision and maintenance scheduling for serial-parallel multi-station manufacturing systems. International Journal of Production Economics, 2023, 264: 108971.
(6) Mixin Zhu, Xiaojun Zhou. Hypergraph-based joint optimization of spare part provision and maintenance scheduling for serial-parallel multi-station manufacturing systems. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 2022, 225: 108619.
(7) Mixin Zhu, Xiaojun Zhou. Lifecycle maintenance scheduling of station with multiple categories of information. Computers and Industrial Engineering, 2022, 172(Part A): 108593.
(8) Xiaojun Zhou, Xiaohan Ning. Maintenance gravity window based opportunistic maintenance scheduling for multi-unit serial systems with stochastic production waits. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 2021, 215: 107828.
(9) Xiaojun Zhou, Mixin Zhu, Wenli Yu. Maintenance scheduling for flexible multistage manufacturing systems with uncertain demands. International Journal of Production Research, 2021, 59(19): 5831-5843.
(10) Xiaojun Zhou, Mengqi Yu. Semi-dynamic maintenance scheduling for multi-station series systems in multi-specification and small-batch production. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 2020, 195: 106753.
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