Jia Li, Chong Zhu, Jixie Xie, Fei Lu, Xi Zhang, "Design and Implementation of High-Misalignment Tolerance WPT System for Underwater Vehicles Based on a Variable Inductor," IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics;
C Zhu, J Han, H Zhang, F Lu, K Liu, X Zhang, "Modeling and Control of an Integrated Self-Heater for Automotive Batteries Based on Traction Motor Drive Reconfiguration," IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics;
G Fan, D Lu, MS Trimboli, GL Plett, C Zhu, X Zhang, "Nondestructive diagnostics and quantification of battery aging under different degradation paths," Journal of Power Sources
C Zhu, J Han, B Guo, G Fan, X Zhang, "A Split-Source Self-Heater for Automotive Batteries Based on Traction Drive Reconfiguration," IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Industrial Electronics;
K Liu, Y Gao, C Zhu, K Li, M Fei, C Peng, X Zhang, QL Han, "Electrochemical modeling and parameterization towards control-oriented management of lithium-ion batteries," Control Engineering Practice;
Yao Wang, Shuyan Zhao, Hua Zhang, Chong Zhu, Ying Mei, Ningfei Jiao, Fei Lu, "Compact Z-Impedance Compensation for Inductive Power Transfer and Its Capacitance Tuning Method," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics;
Y Gao, C Liu, S Chen, X Zhang, G Fan, C Zhu, "Development and parameterization of a control-oriented electrochemical model of lithium-ion batteries for battery-management-systems applications," Applied Energy;
T Dong, C Zhu, X Zhang, F Zhou, "Hybrid-Strand Winding Topology with Improved Power Density in Automotive Electric Machines," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics;
Y Gao, C Zhu, X Zhang, B Guo, "Implementation and evaluation of a practical electrochemical-thermal model of lithium-ion batteries for EV battery management system," Energy;
Y Gao, K Liu, C Zhu, X Zhang, D Zhang, "Global Parameter Sensitivity Analysis of Electrochemical Model for Lithium-Ion Batteries Considering Aging," IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics;
Y Lu, X Zhang, C Zhu, J Li, K Sun, T Dong, "On-line Estimation of Current Harmonics for Status Monitoring and Diagnosis of High-Speed Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors," 2021 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics (ICM);
Y Wang, Z Dongye, H Zhang, C Zhu, F Lu, "A Domino-Type Load-Independent Inductive Power Transfer System With Hybrid Constant-Current and Constant-Voltage Outputs," IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 36 (8), 8824-8834;
C Zhu, Y Cao, H Zhang, F Lu, X Zhang, "Comprehensive Design and Optimization of an Onboard Resonant Self-Heater for EV Battery," IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification, 7 (2), 452-463;
T Dong, X Zhang, C Zhu, Y Lu, M Li, "Improved hotspot monitoring method for thermal management system of automotive traction motor," IET Electric Power Applications, 14 (11), 2255-2262;
Z Dongye, Y Wang, R Kheirollahi, H Zhang, S Zheng, C Zhu, F Lu, "An S-CLC compensated load-independent inductive power relay system with constant voltage outputs," IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 36 (5), 5157-5168;
T Dong, C Zhu, F Zhou, H Zhang, F Lu, X Zhang, "Innovated Approach of Predictive Thermal Management for High-Speed Propulsion Electric Machines in More Electric Aircraft," IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification, 6 (4), 1551-1561;
T Dong, X Zhang, C Zhu, F Zhou, Z Sun, "Improved Thermal Modeling Methodology for Embedded Real-Time Thermal Management System of Automotive Electric Machines," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 17 (7), 4702-4713;
X Zhang, Y Gao, B Guo, C Zhu, X Zhou, L Wang, J Cao, "A novel quantitative electrochemical aging model considering side reactions for lithium-ion batteries," Electrochimica Acta, 343, 136070;
Y Shang, C Zhu, G Lu, Q Zhang, N Cui, C Zhang, "Modeling and analysis of high-frequency alternating-current heating for lithium-ion batteries under low-temperature operations," Journal of Power Sources, 450, 227435;
C Zhu, Y Shang, F Lu, Y Jiang, C Cheng, C Mi, "Core temperature estimation for self-heating automotive lithium-ion batteries in cold climates," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 16 (5), 3366-3375;
C Cheng, F Lu, Z Zhou, W Li, C Zhu, Z Deng, X Chen, C Mi, "A multiload inductive power transfer repeater system with constant load current characteristics," IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, 8(4), 3533-3541;
C Zhu, Y Shang, F Lu, H Zhang, "Optimized design of an onboard resonant self-heater for automotive lithium-ion batteries at cold climates," 2019 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 5084-5088;
Y Gao, X Zhang, B Guo, C Zhu, J Wiedemann, L Wang, J Cao, "Health-aware multiobjective optimal charging strategy with coupled electrochemical-thermal-aging model for lithium-ion battery," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 16 (5), 3417-3429;
H Zhang, C Zhu, S Zheng, Y Mei, F Lu, "High Power Capacitive Power Transfer for Electric Aircraft Charging Application," 2019 IEEE National Aerospace and Electronics Conference (NAECON), 36-40;
C Zhu, H Zhang, F Lu, "A Compact Onboard Battery Self-Heater for All-Electric Aircraft Applications at Cold Climates," 2019 IEEE National Aerospace and Electronics Conference (NAECON), 31-35;
H Zhang, C Zhu, F Lu, "Long-distance and high-power capacitive power transfer based on the double-sided LC compensation: Analysis and design," 2019 IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo (ITEC), 1-5;
H Zhang, C Zhu, F Lu, "A compact and low-distortion inductive charging system for automatic guided vehicles based on LCC compensation and integrated magnetic coupler," 2019 IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo (ITEC), 1-5;
F Lu, Y Zhang, H Zhang, C Zhu, L Diao, M Gong, W Zhang, C Mi, "A low-voltage and high-current inductive power transfer system with low harmonics for automatic guided vehicles," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 68 (4), 3351-3360;
F Lu, H Zhang, W Li, Z Zhou, C Zhu, C Cheng, Z Deng, X Chen, C Mi, "A high-efficiency and long-distance power-relay system with equal power distribution," IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, 8(2), 1419-1427;
C Cheng, Z Zhou, W Li, C Zhu, Z Deng, C Mi, "A multi-load wireless power transfer system with series-parallel-series compensation," IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 34 (8), 7126-7130;
H Zhang, Y Wang, C Zhu, Y Mei, T Xu, F Lu, "The High Order Harmonic Distortion Phenomenon in the Strongly Coupled IPT System and Its Reduction Method," 2019 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 4223-4228;
C Zhu, F Lu, H Zhang, J Sun, C. Mi, "A Real-Time Battery Thermal Management Strategy for Connected and Automated Hybrid Electric Vehicles (CAHEVs) Based on Iterative Dynamic Programming," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 67 (9), 8077-8084;
C Cheng, F Lu, Z Zhou, W Li, C Zhu, H Zhang, Z Deng, X Chen, C Mi, "Load-independent wireless power transfer system for multiple loads over a long distance," IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 34 (9), 9279-9288;
F Lu, H Zhang, C Zhu, L Diao, M Gong, W Zhang, C Mi, "A tightly coupled inductive power transfer system for low-voltage and high-current charging of automatic guided vehicles," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 66 (9), 6867-6875;
Y Shang, C Zhu, Y Fu, C Mi, "An integrated heater equalizer for lithium-ion batteries of electric vehicles," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 66 (6), 4398-4405;
C Zhu, F Lu, H Zhang, C Mi, "Robust predictive battery thermal management strategy for connected and automated hybrid electric vehicles based on thermoelectric parameter uncertainty," IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, 6(4), 1796-1805;
F Lu, H Zhang, C Zhu, Y Mei, J Zhang, C Mi, "A reverse-coupled bipolar coil structure for an integrated LCC-compensated inductive power transfer system," 2018 IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC), 1363-1368;
C Zhu, F Lu, H Zhang, K Zhu, C Mi, "A finite-set model-based predictive battery thermal management in connected and automated hybrid electric vehicles," 2018 IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC), 3428-3433;
JS Hu, F Lu, C Zhu, CY Cheng, SL Chen, TJ Ren, C Mi, "Hybrid energy storage system of an electric scooter based on wireless power transfer," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 14 (9), 4169-4178;
C Zhu, Z Zeng, R Zhao, "Torque ripple elimination based on inverter voltage drop compensation for a three-phase four-switch inverter-fed PMSM drive under low speeds," IET Power Electronics, 10 (12), 1430-1437;
Z Zeng, C Zhu, X Jin, W Shi, R Zhao, "Hybrid space vector modulation strategy for torque ripple minimization in three-phase four-switch inverter-fed PMSM drives,"
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 64 (3), 2122-2134;
C Zhu, Z Zeng, R Zhao, "Comprehensive analysis and reduction of torque ripples in three-phase four-switch inverter-fed PMSM drives using space vector pulse-width modulation," IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 32 (7), 5411-5424;
C Zhu, Z Zeng, R Zhao, "Adaptive suppression method for DC‐link voltage offset in three‐phase four‐switch inverter‐fed PMSM drives," Electronics Letters 52 (17), 1442-1444;
C Zhu, Z Zeng, R Zhao, "Performance Analysis and Comparison of Post-Fault PWM Rectifiers Using Various Space Vector Modulation Methods," Journal of Power Electronics, 16 (6), 2258-2271;
Z Zeng, W Zheng, R Zhao, C Zhu, Q Yuan, "The comprehensive design and optimization of the post-fault grid-connected three-phase PWM rectifier," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 63 (3), 1629-1642;
Z Zeng, W Zheng, R Zhao, C Zhu, Q Yuan, "Modeling, modulation, and control of the three-phase four-switch PWM rectifier under balanced voltage," IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 31 (7), 4892-4905
H Liu, J Xie, S Yang, C Zhu, X Zhang, F Lu, "A General Data-driven Design Methodology of Magnetic Couplers for Wireless Power Transfer Systems," IECON 2022–48th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society
J Li, K Liu, J Xie, C Zhu, X Zhang, "Frequency Optimization Method for Underwater Wireless Power Transfer Considering Coupling Conditions," 2022 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE)
Xi Zhang, Chong Zhu, Haitao Song, Wireless Power Transfer Technologies for Electric Vehicles, Springer, January 2022, ISBN 9789811683473.