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4、2013-2014,国际合作研究项目-“上海交大-大金空调系统性能优化”-Study on “Hill-Hill” Noise Generated from Heat Exchanger of Air-conditioner Indoor Unit I/II,负责人


[1] Zhaoyin Li, Pengfei Chai, Zeyuan Yang, Jie Tian, Xiaocheng Zhu, Hua Ouyang, Enhanced ℓ1/2 regularization via dual Iterative Half Thresholding for azimuthal mode identification, Measurement, 2025, 241: 115658, doi: https://doi.org/ 10.1016/j.measurement.2024.115658
[2] Zonghan Sun, Jie Tian, Yuhang Zheng, Zhaohui Du, Hua Ouyang, Design of sinusoidal-shaped inlet duct for acoustic mode modulation noise reduction of cooling fan, Applied Acoustics, 2024, 216: 109741 (12 pages), DOI: 10.1016/j.apacoust.2023.109741
[3] Pengfei Chai, Shang Wang, Zhicheng Xiao, Yiming Meng, Jie Tian, Hua Ouyang, PSD estimation and modal parameter identification for random vibrations with blade tip timing measurement, Measurement Science and Technology, 2024, 35(9): 096126-20, DOI: 10.1088/1361-6501/ad56a9

[1] Zhaoyin Li, Zeyuan Yang, Pengfei Chai, Zonghan Sun, Jie Tian, Hua Ouyang, Application of Compressed Sensing Method With ℓ 1/2 -Norm in Fan/Compressor Mode Detection, Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power-Transactions of the ASME, J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power. 2023, 145(11): 111009.(10 pages), https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4063306
[2] Zonghan Sun, Pengfei Chai, Jie Tian, Zhaohui Du, Hua Ouyang. Aerodynamic Noise Characteristics of Axial Flow Fan in Narrow Space and Noise Reduction Based on Flow Control. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power-Transactions of the ASME. 2023, 145(10): 101007 (13 pages)
[3] Jie Tian, Pengfei Chai, Zonghan Sun, Hua Ouyang, An azimuthal mode detection method based on angular deviation and its application in compressor, Measurement, 2023, 213: 112712
[4] Pengfei Chai, Zhicheng Xiao, Shang Wang, Jie Tian, Hua Ouyang, Improvement of BTT precision considering transient rotating speed fluctuations, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2023, 193: 110247 , DOI : 10.1016/j.ymssp.2023.110247
[5] Zonghan Sun, Jie Tian, Tong Zhang, Zhaohui Du, Hua Ouyang, Cooling fan aerodynamic noise reduction with short inlet duct and its applicability, International Journal of Refrigeration, 2023, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijrefrig.2023.01.013
[6] Zhi-Min Li, Tao Liu, Hehe Kang, Jie Tian, Jianping Jing, Dong Wang Theoretical and Experimental Investigations on Steady-state Responses of Rotor-blade Systems with Varying Rotating Speeds based on a New Nonlinear Dynamic Model, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2023, 184: 109692 , DOI : 10.1016/j.ymssp.2022.109692
[7] Tao, Li, Yadong Wu, Jie Tian, Hua Ouyang, Modal Analysis of Axial Compressor Tip Rotating Instability under Varying Operating Conditions, Journal of thermal science, 2023, 32(4): 1345-1356, DOI10.1007/s11630-023-1830-y
[8] Zeyuan Yang, Zhenliang Liu, Shaoqin Zhang, Xiaoyu Xi, Jie Tian, Yadong Wu, Hua Ouyang, Tip flow on rotating instability on an axial compressor with different tip clearances, Aerospace Science and Technology, 2023, 193: 108364-1-17, doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ast.2023.108364.
[9] 李明, 吴亚东, 陈勇, 田杰, 冯凯, 史志勇, 计及接触非线性的钢丝编织增强软管精细化有限元建模方法. 推进技术, 2023,44(01): 211-219

[1] Si Wu, Yadong Wu, Jie Tian, Hua Ouyang, On the cavitation-induced collapse erosion of a turbofan fuel pump, Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics, 2022, 16(1): 1048-1063 , DOI : 10.1080/19942060.2022.2067243
[2] Zhigang Peng, Hua Ouyang, Yadong Wu, Jie Tian. Diagnosis and Design Improvement of the Internal Flow Field in an Automotive Cooling Fan Based on Boundary Vorticity Dynamics Part I: Airfoil Scaling and Rotation. Journal of Thermal Science, 2022, 10.1007/s11630-022-1663-0.
[3] Zonghan Sun, Jie Tian, Grzegorz Liśkiewicz, Zhaohui Du, Hua Ouyang. Noise reduction analysis of electronic device cooling fan with duct and its application under variable working conditions. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power- Transactions of the ASME, 2022, 144(2): 021008 https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4052429
[4] Jie TIAN, Zhiwei ZHANG, Pengfei CHAI, Shang WANG, Yong CHEN, Hua OUYANG, Experimental Study on the optimization of the sensor arrangement for blade tip timing measurement, Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2022, June 13-17, 2022, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, GT2022-82488
[5] Zeyuan Yang, Lele Ming, Si Wu, Yadong Wu, Jie Tian, and Hua Ouyang, On the Mode Characteristics of Rotating Instability with Different Tip Clearances, Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2022, June 13-17, 2022, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, GT2022-82072
[6] Zonghan Sun, Pengfei Chai, Jie Tian, Zhaohui Du, Hua Ouyang. Aerodynamic Noise Characteristics of Axial Flow Fan in Narrow Space and Noise Reduction Based on Flow Control. Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2022, June 13-17, 2022, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, GT2022-82141
[7] 孙宗翰, 田杰, 杜朝辉, 欧阳华, 电子器件散热串联轴流风扇短管降噪试验, 机械工程学报, 2022, 58(22): 406-415


[1] 田杰, 孙宗翰, 吴亚东, 欧阳华, 一种抑制散热风扇噪声的风扇外框结构及其造型方法, ZL 202011414860.1 , 2022.05.17
[2] 孙宗翰, 田杰, 欧阳华. 一种基于声学截止的散热风扇降噪装置及其方法, ZL201910300235.5 , 2020.11.06
[3] 孙宗翰, 田杰, 欧阳华. 一种基于声学截止的散热风扇降噪装置及其方法, 申请号: PCT/CN2019/122890(国际PCT专利)
[4] 孙宗翰, 田杰, 欧阳华. 一种改善散热风扇返流的引流降噪装置及其方法, ZL 202010336396.2, 2021.10.8
[5] 田杰,欧阳华,李游,寺冈弘宣,郑志明,田中英志.横流风扇,申请号201110346484.1

2021.10 bat365在线中国官网登录入口2021年度教学成果奖一等奖,“探索专业学位产教融合联培模式,培养高胜任力智能制造创新人才”(排名6)