
My Campus Story
Posted by:     Time:2022-05-19



1. 第一年在中国,学汉语 (北京语言大学, Beijing Language and Cultural University - BLCU)

Figure 1. From left to right: With other foreign students for mandarin chinese class; with an Indian friend (left) and mandarin chinese teacher (middle); on a trip organized by BLCU to the mountains


2. My research study at Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU)

Figure 2. From left to right: Preparing a field study on Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) produced from biomass gasification system at Songjiang; set-up ready for testing flue gases emitted; my research group colleague and myself collecting and recording raw data of emissions via NOx analyzer and Gasboard Analyzer.


3. Other activities at SJTU

Figure 3. From left to right: Participated in events organized by the University such as playing of drums (打鼓); Very enjoyable and fulfilling Christmas party organized by the University for international students at SJTU; travelling was my other hobby, very likeable for me was the BUND (refer to it as the heart of Shanghai City).


4. Final Masters degree (M.Sc) academic journey in SJTU


Figure 4. From left to right: Panel of Profs. who were in attendance during my M.Sc oral defense; with my Supervisor, Prof. Luo - My supervisor has sharpened my research skills which is applicable in my day today endeavors; downing the graduation gown.


5. Key milestones achieved at SJTU

a. Awarded KERN-LIEBERS奖学金 (2015)
b. Awarded Yu Pengnian Grant (2015)
c. Recognized as SJTU Excellent International Student (2014)



By George Kavulavu Ngusale (Graduated with a master degree from School of Mechaincal Engineering in 2015)

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Address: 800 Dongchuan Road, Shanghai